Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I want a lot of stuff. Most of is totally unreasonable (like the $1000 camera, I pretty much know I'm not getting that one!), but some of it is rather do-able. So here goes nothin'.
1. Books, of any kind, from any bookstore, but especially big books with lots of beautiful pictures in them. Like Gordon Parks' photos, or Mary Cassat's paintings. Or you could just get me a Borders gift card.

2. Music, but particularly three CDs. Kanye West's new one, Mariah's absurdly titled "The Emancipation of Mimi" and Madonna's AMAZING "Confessions on a Dance Floor." I mean for the love, look at the freaking woman. She's 40+ years old and looks better than most 20 year olds. Granted, she can afford a personal trainer and a personal chef and Botox and plastic surgery -- none of which I think I would EVER want. Except maybe the personal chef. That'd be pretty sweet. But I digress. Back to the task at hand.

3. An iPOD.
*sigh* Sad, but true. I want one. But I think I want the black one. The 30 GB one. Which is more space than I might ever use, but it's better to have and not need than to need and not have. (Please, no mention of how I do not 'need' an iPOD, how I simply
want one, and how there are really only a few basic human needs -- like food, water, clothing, shelter, love, and - as some would argue - cable. Christmas is not about need, it is about want, and so I do.)
4. This ridiculous, extravagent, amazingly cool digital SLR Canon camera. I'll let the picture do the talking......

OK, I was going to let the picture do all the talking, but then I realized that it's a picture. It can't talk. Oh man. If only I had an extra $1000 laying around, unused, undesignated. It would be mine. I love SLR's, and since digital is the way of the future, it seems only logical to invest in a nice digital SLR. It's an
investment, like a diamond, or a college education. (Shaun, I can see the look on your face! Hahaha...!) Maybe someday if I hit the Keno jackpot up at the Blarney. But til then, it's on to the next item. Which, incidentally, is much more affordable and realistic.

5. Clinique! I've been out of my Happy for a while now, and I just don't want to spend the money on myself at this particular time. I'd be open to a new scent, since I've worn Happy for so very long, but I know I love this one, so that makes it a safe bet. If you really want to make me smile you'll get the lotion and body wash too! Yay! Merry Clinique.

And last but not least, 6. Jewelry. I love big, dangly earrings (like from Urban Outfitters or Claire's or Banana Republic), as long as they aren't
too heavy. (They're also usually quite cheap!) I also own no (yellow) gold, real or otherwise, so it's best to stick to silver. Please avoid rainbow themed baubles, as I am neither 3 years old nor same-gender oriented. I am in absolute love with this necklace from Tiffany's (partly because it is just cool, and partly because it doesn't say "T&Co." all over it -- why do they have to do that to all their silver jewelry, I hate it!) But alas, it is not so cheap as one might hope.
So, Santa, there you have it. My Christmas 2005 Wishlist. I think I've been a pretty good girl, whaddya say??
Also, if you are reading this and your name is Stephanie, Rebeca, Aubrey, Jetta, Alyssa, Amy, Thomas, Starla, Sean or Sarah, Anders, or Neil, you would do well to email me your newest addresses, since my address book has managed to get itself lost. (The nerve I tell you.) I would like to send Christmas cards and/or gifts and/or coupons to save mucho dinero at the Gap the 1st weekend in December.
I am so effing happy it's snowing words cannot express. Yay!