Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Fiesta Weekend

So this weekend was a weekend of parties -- and of my car breaking down. Again. On Saturday Shaun brought me to his family reunion in New Baltimore and I got to meet a huge part of his extended family. His mom has 13 brothers and sisters, so I was very happy to see that people were wearing nametags! The weather was beautiful and the park was right on Anchor Bay. We ate lots of good food, played catch (well, I caught, Shaun mostly ended up running after the ball because somehow I've forgotten how to throw), I painted kids' faces, and of course we drank.

Saturday night I ended up having to drive Shaun's car home because mine was smoking from under the hood -- never a good sign. Turns out it's my radiator, again, so Dad is going to try to fix it or he'll just end up replacing it for me this weekend. I will be SO happy when Labor Day has come and gone so that I can afford some new(er) wheels!!

Sunday was Kira's Bridal Shower and everything went beautifully. Holy crap did she get a lot of stuff! We took it easy on the Bridal Shower games (yuck!) and just did two, that actually turned out to be pretty fun! Her little sis and I are right in the middle of planning the bachelorette festivities and I am currently awaiting confirmation on the, um, entertainment. Hahahaha! There will be more pics up soon!

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