Monday, August 15, 2005


Well, today was Joey's 3rd birthday party and I missed it because I had to work. Crummy. But my mom and dad went and said everything was nice and that Joey got a lot of clothes, which he didn't find particularly exciting in comparison to the toy chainsaw he got from one of his aunties. Hmmm, toy chainsaw? Or new sweatshirt? Yeah, I'd probably pick the chainsaw too!

But speaking of birthdays, mine is coming up! To celebrate I am going to go to Four Green Fields, which is on Woodward just south of 13 Mile Rd. in Royal Oak. Saturday the 27th, around 8 o'clock or so. Come and share the big 24 with me! I think my parents are coming (crazy, who knew I would one day be going to the bar with my mom & dad?!) and I'd love to see you crazy cats who read this that I haven't seen in forever. So, check out the pic from my very first b-day ever, and then come check out the chick on #24. No gifts necessary, I just want to see your booties there -- they have good beer, good food, and good music.

1 comment:

Shaun said...

that's not you, that's some little boy! :o)