Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Tonight while driving home from work I had a flashback to all the nights I spent driving South on Telegraph towards I-96 to head back to Ann Arbor after having been in Southfield for some reason -- whether it was visiting a boy, or visiting Nik, or visiting my mom & dad (and of course, stealing food and doing laundry with my mom's detergent). I started to think about the stretches of highway a person becomes familiar with throughout their life, and how you drive down certain roads with more frequency at certain times in your life than at others. When you have one job you go one way every day, and then you get a new job and have a whole new route to learn. But if you've driven somewhere enough times in your life, you'll always be able to close your eyes and picture turning the corner, or pulling into the driveway, or walking up the steps towards your front door. I think that no matter how much my street changes, whether they widen it or add sidewalks; no matter how my mom alters the gardens in the front yard or the color or siding on our house; I think I will always be able to come home to this house in my head, since I've lived here since I was just three years old. That's a long time to live somewhere....

Anyway, enough of that random BS. I've moved my blog to a different website, it'll be at from 8/3/2005 on forward. Shaun bought the other domain for me, and when he attempted to transfer ownership to me the shit got all jacked up. So I just bought a new one, and it'll be there forever, barring total world destruction, or my credit card being turned down. Kidding! Tomorrow I get to have my teeth cleaned by my mama in the morning, and then I am having lunch with Katie to discuss the details of Kira's bachelorette fiesta at 1 o'clock. Got any sinfully good ideas?? Do tell!

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