So Thanksgiving weekend has come and gone. I had the Wednesday before off and we were all going to go out but I decided to stay at home and rest and try to kick this stupid effing cold that I have that will NOT go away. (Clearly, the day of rest did the cold no good at all.) But it was nice to have a day off in the

middle of the week. I caught up on my Nip\Tuck (holy *crap* I can't believe Kimber left Christian at the altar!) and helped my mom bake some stuf for the celebration the next day. It's amazing that our pumpkin chiffon pie didn't turn out like poo because I misread that recipe in every way possible. Somehow, it all turned out OK though. (Actually, it was better than OK, it was down right yummy.) Then I decided to make pumpkin bread with the leftover canned pumpkin and that came out INCREDIBLE! I pulled the recipe out of my fave cookbook (
How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman), which I recommend to everyone because it has never let me down. The recipes are easy, fun, and they all taste great. But I digress.

So on Thursday Shaun came over around 12:30 to watch the Lions play football. He said he at least had to watch, "until it's hopeless." It got hopeless pretty quick. I wonder what it'd be like to have a good football team to root for? Hmmmm. So we ate appetizers and drank some wine over here before heading out to the boonies to go have dinner with Shaun's fam. I love love love his family. We ate an amazing dinner and had some great desserts and Shaun took a little nap in front of the fireplace before we headed back to my house. Since Nik was in town we were all going to go out, but Shaun and I were so sleepy and full that we ended up leaving Nik and Gianny on their own and just cuddled up on the couch to watch "National Treasure." Which was pretty good. Ridiculously far-fetched, but entertaining nevertheless.
On Saturday I did a bunch of stuff. I had the day off but I went to go tutor my mom's boss's daughter (get that?)

at 1:00. She needed some serious help with her Spanish. Yet another moment of truth that lets me know I am scarily out of practice!! I really need to look into a class at OCC or something, because it's getting bad. But after that I went to the Gap (to shop, not to work) and spent an obscene amount of money on my neice and nephew. They are gonna look sooooo cute though! Then it was home to get ready, then Shaun and I went to dinner at this Thai place in Birmingham that had the worst service I've had at a restaurant in a long, long time, and then we all met up at the Blarney before heading to the bars in Novi. Michigan is so strange. Shaun said later in the evening that we drove all the way to Novi to go to Royal Oak. Which couldn't be more true. They have all the same bars in every city, Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Rochester, Novi. Never spent much time in East Lansing but I betcha those are the same too. And even if it isn't exactly the same name, it still feels the same once you w

alk inside. Nikki and I don't really notice so much, because when we go out to dance we are just about shakin' our booties and having a good time, but when there are fights breaking out on the dance floor it's just no good. I miss my favorite one-of-a-kind bar in Ann Arbor: Mitch's. I don't even know if it's still there. :( Good times were always had in that bar, that is for sure. But anyway.
It was good to see Linda. Crazily enough she was with Marc Henderson (younger bro of Matt, the Marine, whose family and mine have been friends since forever). The hilarious part was that he didn't even recognize me! I guess he is a friend of Linda's boyfriend, and as introductions were being made I was like, "Marc?!" He looked at me with complete confusion. Didn't have the foggiest. It's OK though, I guess all those hours of playing capture the flag and hide-and-go-seek out in the woods with his older brother and my younger brother when we were 7, 8, 9, 10, years old were pretty forgettable.

The weekend ended with me working all freaking day on Sunday. Gap was from 12-5 and then to Comcast from 7-11. What did I do with my 2 hour break you ask? Well, Shaun said, "Come over, I'll make you dinner." So over to his place I went. Wow do I love that man. He had *homemade* pizza and cheesey breadsticks ready (straight outta the oven actually) for me when I walked in the door. And it was so so so good! All in all, not a bad Thanksgiving weekend. I can't wait til everyone is home over Christmas. :)
1 comment:
Maria - it never ceases to amaze me how incredibly beautiful you are. ;) You and Shaun go so well together.
Thank you for your kind words about our recent events. I read them to Patrick and he said I was blessed to have such caring friends - and I agree wholeheartedly.
I will email you sometime this week and we'll get a night together to go out and meet for a drink when I'm in town. NO EXCUSES! ;)
Love ya,
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