Saturday, December 03, 2005

Christmas Lights

So today while I was getting ready for work I heard my dad call out, "Hey Big Girl (one of his many nicknames for me), come here and look at this!" Curious, I put down my hairbrush and came to the computer to see what it was, and it's crazy! (By the way, if you are at a speakerless computer, don't bother clicking the link. It's pointless without the sound.) Clark Griswold would be spellbound, humbled, utterly appreciative of such a spectacular light show, and its encore.

But can you imagine being old dude's neighbors?? Hope they get into the holiday spirit as much as he does!


Leah said...

I got this email at work and we don't have sound cards on our CPU, so it was pointless! Patrick told me "No, honey, it's done to music so it's actually pretty cool!"

I think I might become epileptic if I lived across from that guy!

Anonymous said...

hey ri, yeah, i saw that on harold's LJ and nearly died! then christina sent it to me. i sent it to my dad asap cause knew he'd love it.

crazy how some people get. i should take pictures of some of the places out here. my boss's neighbor has the nickname "griswolds" for that very reason. OH! see just friends! very cool, and they too have a griswold house in the movie.

see ya soon!