Friday, December 09, 2005


So I am sick again. Bronchitis. Again. This time, by the mercy of God, it is not nearly as terrible as it was last March, when I wishing death upon myself on an hourly basis. So I stayed home from work. Watched some TV. Took a nice hot bath only to fall asleep in the tub and wake up chilly and wrinkled, which probably didn't help the bronchitis situation any. I watched a lot of movies today. "The Interpreter" was pretty good, but then again I almost always like Sean Penn (except for the fact that he spells his name the 'funny' way). I also watched Dennis Quaid (who my mom loves -- along with Kevin Costner) in "In Good Company" which was good -- especially since it didn't have the warm fuzzy ending I think everyone was expecting. It had a different warm fuzzy ending. But the kicker, as always, was a good, old-fashioned tearjerker, and one that I've seen about fifty times at that, "The Notebook."

What is it about those movies that will always seem to make you cry? No matter how many times you've seen them, you know what's coming, but it's still heartbreaking. I think there are five movies at this point in time that I can honestly say will always make me cry.

1. The Notebook
2. The English Patient
3. Braveheart
4. Legends of the Fall
5. Message in a Bottle

That Nicholas Sparks. Boy does he know how to make a woman sob! I wonder if he's married.... But back to the point. The point is that tonight, while lying in our big chair sniffling at the end of "The Notebook" I decided to call my baby, and even though he was playing cards with The Guys, he still got up to take the call and go, "Awww baby...." when I mumbled out, "I'm watching 'The *sob* No-hotebooook' *sniffle*!" Hahahaha. Could I be more of a chick or what??

1 comment:

Maria said...

Funnily enough, when I woke up yesterday after writing that entry, "The English Patient" was on Cinemax. Of course I watched it. Of course I cried. Hahaha....