So, Reader, as you may already know, I have a friend named Stephanie (she comments here with more frequency than most) and she has a boyfriend named Brian. The story does

not end there, oh no! For in fact, I was friends with Brian long before he became Steph's main man (well, her only man really, she's a one man kind of gal). I modestly credit myself with their having gotten together. And don't question the grammar of that last statement, sometimes we can bend grammar for the sake of
style. Ahem, I digress. So Brian and I became friends long ago, in a land far, far away, when we were still in high school and he began dating
another of my friends, Kira (who you may remember from various and sundry previous entries, especially in August and September, since that is when she married her husband, Jeff, see photos by clicking the link at the right). At any rate (really Reader, I will try to stay more on track from now on), Brian and Stephanie are together and living in the Pacific Northwest and I miss them both tons and am excited to see them ove

r the holiday. But last week I got a rather excited call from Bri because he is now an official member of the PGA (go Brian!!), which is an accomplishment he has been working his ASS off for since, well, for quite some time now. So here are some congratulatory pics of Brian, in HAWAII (on a business trip, real bummer huh?), playing golf on a golf course that was probably ridiculously AMAZING. Way to represent the Dirty D with the Lions hat Bri, good to know they have loyal fans, in spite of their incredible suckiness. You stupid HAW!
Glad to hear that Brian is doing so well for himself! I will have to drop him an email to say congrats!
On another note, I reposted because of the blue "ink" in my blog, but my in my computer illiteracy I managed to delete the whole post -- including your comment! UGH! How the hell do these things work!
In any case - I also hope we can find a date to go out for a drink while we're home. I'll call you if you email me your cell number again!
HOORAY fo Brian!!!!
good stuff! Tiger tiger woods ya'll!
Thanks, Ri. It's nice to have Brian home again. Our Bogey missed him. Although he did get me a beautiful silk dress from the island of Kauai. Can't wait to wear it in 6 months! haha
Michigan or bust in 8 days!
Can't wait to see everyone!
Love ya,
PS: How's the bronchitis? Are you better?
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