Sunday, November 06, 2005

It'll All Be O(401)K

So recently I opened a 401k to prepare for my retirement. Ha! That cracks me up. Here I am living at home still, but I am contemplating my retirement from the working world. Sitting at my desk at work, looking over all the different funds and stocks and bonds and whatevers that I could invest in, I thought, "Wow, maybe I should have taken a business class or two when I was in college." Might've helped me out a bit more than Victorian Lit has. (Although honestly, if anyone ever doubts the superiority of Jane Austen's work I could argue them into a corner in no time!) Tonight I had Shaun look over my choices for me, since he knows a bit more about this stuff than I do, and I suppose I made pretty OK choices. It's strange how it feels good to be responsible. These days you gotta think about the future. I know that when I have kids, the day that I find out there's a bun in the oven I am going to the bank to open up a savings account. No $60,000 of debt straight outta college for my kids! And hey, if they decide not to go (or better yet, get scholarships cuz they'll be geniuses and sports prodigies, wink wink) then I can buy that summer home on Lake Michigan I've always hoped I might someday be able to afford. :)

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