I've got my dad. I mean seriously, look at this face. Tell me this is not the face of a man who can just look menacingly at a car and will it to start. Or else. It's almost as if he uses The Force. I cannot count how many times I have called my dad at some obscene time of the night (or early morning), usually when it is butt ass cold outside, and uttered the words, "Daddy, my car won't start." My senior year of college my car at the time (a Mercury Tracer) decided to die when Lys and I went to the Wings game. In February. Of course it was negative a million degrees out and when Dad said, "Where are you?" I was dreading having to say, "The Cobo roof." Eeek. Even though two perfectly nice fellow Wings fans had unsuccessfully tried to jump start the car for almost 30 minutes, Dad had no problems whatsoever. He connected the cables, started his truck, and *poof* my car started. It's like the cars fear him. They sure don't fear AAA.
I've known people who have AAA and I've heard horror stories about having to wait two hours for roadside assistance. Two hours? Pshaw! Try 28 minutes. That's how long it took my dad to get to me tonight, even with a head cold. (Although, I did make him pancakes last week when he was home sick with an earlier and much worse phase of the cold. And I always get him good Christmas presents, if I do say so myself.) Plus he has all those memories of me when I was a cute little kid, all giggles and dolls and pink dresses, and no dad could ever let his daughter, who was once his little girl, fend for herself when her car won't start. I mean, what kind of a dad would do that? Plus, he knows he has The Force on his side, which ordinary humans simply do not have. And he also has boots like this:

Which I highly suspect of some seriously major supernatural power only possessed by fathers who would do anything for their families.
Thanks to Mike who let me sit in his car to stay warm while waiting for my dad (man, I would have frozen my butt off if not for that!). And thank you Daddy, for saving me yet again.
I am scared by your father. Scared, I tell you.
Shorty is still so cute!
From one Daddy's lil girl to another I can feel his love for you through your words :)
your right, that is a scary pix. you are so lucky to have a dad.
Mine would let me freeze and has. Having "been there and done that," I can tell you someday you will lease. (an old lady car like a Malibu and when the damn falls apart you lease a new one.)Something to look forward to OH Joy. Like I always say "you will be old someday too".
No way Karen, i'll be there to take care of her.
Those damn interior lights...
A night I will never forget, nonetheless!
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