Well, it has certainly been an interesting week. Shaun moved into a new apartment last weekend, in the midst of my recovery from Kira and Jeff's wedding, (I fixed the link to their pics by the way, FYI) so now he is an official resident of Royal Oak. It's sooooo nice to have him living closer! Not that Rochester was all that far away, but when gas costs an arm and a leg those few extra miles make a big ass difference!!! Plus I just like having my baby close by. :)
This morning Nikki left for Washington D.C. I think she'll be there for about three w

eeks looking for an apartment and then she'll come back to get the rest of her stuff and go see System of a Down and The White Stripes with me (cus she got me Stripes tix for my b-day, how SWEET is that!!??) and then she's a D.C. resident permanently. Last night was her little going away party. We started at Shield's Pizza in Southfield and then took the party to Woody's in Royal Oak, which is a lame bar unless we're there, when we make it awesome by our undeniably awesome awesomeness. Hahaha.... Just kidding there. (About the gross use of the word "awesome," not about how we actually are awesome. And then some!)
This weekend I have to work at the Gap (or as Elin fondly refers to it, "The Crap") on Saturday from 12-5 and then Shaun and I are going to babysit for Joey and Hannah on Saturday night. How cute is
that? I told him he might have to help me change diapers and he looked at me like I was on crack.... No diapers baby, I promise!! But I am really excited for him to finally meet my sis and bro-in-law and the babies!! Plus I haven't seen the kiddies in ages so I am looking forward to kickin' it with my niece and nephew.
Kira and Jeff leave for their honeymoon in Las Vegas tomorrow, so let's wish them (as well as Nik) a safe trip and lots-o-fun!!
hey sorry i couldn't make it out last night to the party, i really wanted to come, but i totally fell asleep, all these 12 hour days are killing me. i'm sure i'll see nik sometime soon though, just hit me up if yall are chillin.
hey dude! canb't wait to see system and the stripes! What a crazy weekend thats gonna be! U gotta send mye the pictures from ym going away thingy and from Kira's wedding. Send them to my yahoo accoun though, I am having issues with my regular outlook mail. Anywhoo, tty soon :) good times!
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