If you want to see more pictures from Kira's big day check out the link at the right. A combination of Nik's, mine, and my mom's pictures. Shaun's got some too, which will be added as soon as he sends 'em to me. Enjoy!
The trials, triumphs, and occasional tribulations of a girl in the Motor City.
great pics. your picture link doesn't like me. :oP
wish we could have been there. have to get some things together to send. what's kira's address? or should we send to her parents' house?
love ya!
Thought I'd let you know that your link to "Kira and Jeff's Wedding" does not work. "This page cannot be displayed" is what it says.
Hey guys, my bad, I suck at blogging. The link is fixed now, so have at it! XOXOX
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