Woman: My kids have been waiting all summer to watch the season premiere of Smallville, why isn't the WB working?
What I actually said: I do apologize, but right now because of the storm both WB and NBC are out indefinitely. These issues are both being worked on by NBC and WB, as they are provider issues, and regretfully there is nothing Comacst can do at this time.
Woman: Well can you force the WB to re-air the season premiere of Smallville???
My thoughts: What do I look like, friggin' Superman over here?? Seriously, you actually expect the WB to re-air a season premiere of one of it's most popular shows because you and your three kids missed it because of a storm? [expletive deleted] Yeah, lemme get right on that for you.
What I actually said: No. But you can contact the WB network if you'd like to voice your complaint. I'd be happy to give you their contact information!
Lately at work we've all been sharing the Oh-God-I-want-to-stab-myself-in-the-eyeball-with-my-pen look. Recently Comcast threw a job fair and OVER A THOUSAND people showed up!! I almost wished I'd been there, because I would have been slipping people notes telling them to seek employment elsewhere; but I wasn't there because I had the day off, and I'd rather have a day off from that place than save others from getting in over their heads. I'm sick of them forcing me to work mandatory overtime, I'm sick of working til 12:30 at night, and mostly I am just sick of people being rude jackasses to me on the phone when all I am trying to do is help them and keep some health insurance.
Talking to Shaun the other day I realized that I really need to get on my grad school apps if I'm serious about it. I need to sign up for the GRE and the LSAT, and actually study for them instead of just buying the prep books and stacking them up in my room so that I have something to set my Vogue and Cosmo on every month. He asked me, "So, do you want to go back to school?" Yes. "When? Where? What would you study?" Good questions baby! I know I want to go back to school, but for what I'm not sure. I'd really like to swindle Comcast into paying for it (or at least part of it), so it's gotta be something that they'll see value in. I've also been thinking about saving to buy a house, because having my own car is amazing. Everything is better in my car. Music is better, the AC is cooler, McDonald's fries are crispier. Because I bought it, it's in my name, and I pay that bill. I feel like it's a first step towards *gasp* adulthood. So it's time to take the next step.
A terrible pic of me in those sunglasses I *loved* and somehow lost, and my sa-weet ride!

From personal experience, I advise against the whole LSAT, selling your soul, buying your new friends, alienating your old friends, killing your braincells, resurrecting satan and his minions, conscience diluting, emotionally callousing, fascist, gutless, hopeless, depraved, perverted, smarmy, slimy, snooty, irrational, fantastically boring, expensive, hypocritical, rage-inducing, Oh-God-I'm-Going-To-Stab-Myself-In-The-Eyeball-With-My-Pen, law school thing. That is, unless of course, you are into that sort of thing ...
nice comment! Do what you want to do baby, whatever makes you happy.
You know you always have my backing, unless you start ho'n on the streets again, that i can't take...well...unless i'm your pimp and get 75% of the cut!! :o)
Nice wheels? Who are you insured with? (haha... gotta plug the good neighbors...)
Great to hear that you're looking into school! And I agree with Shaun: do what makes you happy. (Although, the comment about law school has some points... teehee)
Movin' forward...
First things first: Shaun, should I ever decide to resume my career as a ho you would definitely get your cut. Hahaha.... And Matty Matt, I am almost 100% positive that Satan is capitalized. And jeez!! Did you really buy new friends?? Because that would be extremely out of character for you. The rest is pretty much dead-on. (Kidding!) Steph, of course I have State Farm. We all have had all our insurance through State Farm FOREVER. :)
state farm sucks...go AAA!!!!!
Just be glad the woman and her children weren't physically there. When I worked at the shoe store, we had several winning lady customers and their slimy children in on a semi-regular basis. The attitude ("I promised my kid something, now *you* make it happen, serf!") was the same, only instead of Smallville the promised prize was Swedish sneakers.
But with the kids actually there, the whole thing escalates to a new level of creepy. Many, many children spoke to me in a way that, had I spoken to *anyone* that way as a child, would have caused my parents to hurl me through the nearest window, then apologize to the store owner and offer to pay for the window. But the parents barely blinked. Also, there was one heinous woman with three equally heinous children whom she allowed to hang on sales people and disassemble displays.
Sigh. Yeah. It hurts me.
School has been kickin my ass, havent had a chance to check out your site in a long time...BUT SWEET CAR!! THAT's AWESOME!
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