Thursday, September 22, 2005

Without Further Ado...

I always loved the word, "ado." There is rarely an appropriate occasion upon which one can use it these days without sounding pompous or arrogant or overly fond of Shakespeare or just moronic. I have my dear friend Aubrey to thank for affording me a much needed chance to use it, for without further ado (yes!!) she has decided to create her own blog, the link to which is located on the right and should be used immediately and with frequency after that. The gal is brilliant, although she may shudder to hear me say so, but that just makes her all the more wonderful. Best writer I know, one of the funniest people on the planet; it's needless to point out at this juncture that your life will be missing a tiny little something every time that you elect NOT to click on the link to her site. So get with the program.


A. said...

Thanks for the plug, home skillet. I'll try not to disappoint.

Maria said...

Yo Roldy -- throw your link up in a comment and you'll get a bonafide link quicker than you can say, "Super Mario Brothers is the single greatest video game of all time, it is the spark which ignited the flame."