Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Republicans for Voldemort

How funny is that for a bumper sticker? (For those who are saying, "Huh?" Voldemort is the über bad guy from the Harry Potter books. Basically, he's about as evil as Satan.) I saw that on my drive home from Shaun's place this morning. There I was in my car, minding my own business, headbanging to System of a Down bright and early at 8:30 am when BAM! The funniest bumper sticker I've seen in a while just makes the day that much better. I love it.

If you are sitting there reading this saying, "Jeez, Harry Potter is so lame," be advised: I will convert you! My mom was a doubter only a few short months ago. But she sat down to start the first book and she can now say that she has read all six. She's going through Harry Potter withdrawal. It's a serious affliction.

In other news: Nik is home today for System of a Down tomorrow night (!) and then The White Stripes on Friday. How badass is that gonna be??

Time to go back to sleep now.

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