Nikki, my road dawg, I love you so much for taking me to see The White Stripes for my birthday!!! On Friday night Nik and I went down to the Masonic Temple Theater where we were forced to pay $20 to park my car. I

mean come on. $20?! I think I may need to get into the parking lot game downtown, make my millions taking advantage of the white folks from the burbs that are afraid to park their cars on the wild streets of the Dirty Dirty D. Anyway, moving on. We got there at about 8:30 and at 8:40 Jack and Meg took the stage. The show was over by 10:15, but it was incredible!! Jack played so many instruments, all his guitars, a mandolin, a xylophone, the piano -- and of course he sang. The next time they come to town I will definitely have some front row (or near front row) seats! I bought a tee shirt and Nik got some crazy holographic postcards that were pretty sweet. They had a poster but it was sold out by the time we got up to the window. I think they do a similar kind of thing as Pearl Jam and make a unique, individual poster for every show they do. It woulda been cool to get one, but there's always next time!
Jack ripped it up and played two of my all time fave Stripes songs,
Ball and a Biscuit and
Red Rain, both bluesier songs that he jammed out on. Matty Matt and I always go back and forth about the Stripes because he claims to just not get the music. (Right Matt?!) But I say what's not to get? It just plain rocks! (Oh and Meg was awesome too, although she is so skinny she looks like she's 12.)

After the concert Nik and I went down to the Anchor Bar for the second night in a row and met up with Elin and a couple of her boy toys. Then Shaun and his cousins came down and eventually Gianny made it there too. Everyone else peaced out around 1:30 but Shaun and his cousins took me with them to the MGM Casino where I proceeded to win everybody a lot of money at the craps table on my inaugural roll, and then lose everybody a lot of money on my follow up. But I came out $12 on top, so Shaun and I got some White Castle on the way home. All in all, it was a great night. I love Jack White, but I love Shaun more. (Wink!) My baby....
i like the ending....."Jack you ain't got nothing on me!"
This is true what you say about the White Stripes and my understanding of them ... I don't get it, and now I feel the need to explain this to the readers of 'Handbasket' less be thought of as some sort of musically challenged dweeb by this uber-hip, albeit somewhat small on-line community. You see, I just don't get them. While I believe they make a tremendous amount of noise for utilizing only 2 instruments, I find them to be one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in their rambling, incoherent musical diatrabes are they even close to anything that could be considered a rational musical act. Everyone in this society is now dumber for having listened to them. I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls. But seriously, the lyrics are just too obscure for me to get through, and its not like I don't like being free to interpret things as people see fit (see Bob Dylan, Led Zepplin, Frank Zappa, and to some extent Air Supply), its just that their lyrics I believe to be nonsense, and Jack laughs all the way to the bank while Meg wonders how the hell she even has a job by banging away like some enthusiastic 5 year old on pots and pans (although apparently she looks at least 12). We should all be so lucky. If you have read the liner notes to Elephant, you know that without his guitar and his ex-wife/girlfriend/sister/12 year old, this guy is just one step away from Ted Kaczynski Land. In short, what we have are the musical stylings of a madman putting his bat-shit crazy thoughts down on paper then accompanying them with noise. Wesley Willis did the same thing, but sadly with less recognition. There, everyone is now dumber for seeing my rambling incoherent thoughts. Take that Jack White!
Get behind me Maria ...
First of all, your rant holds no water in my book because you admitted that you listen to Air Supply. Even if it's just a little bit, it's fricking Air Supply.
Also, I think that Jack might possibly do massive amounts of cocaine, which could have something to do with the "bat-shit crazy" liner notes to Elephant. Hahahaha.... But even so, there are plenty of misunderstood geniuses out there who, while alive, came off as nuttier than a fruit cake (Emily Dickinson, Van Gogh -- the dude even whacked off his own ear and then painted a bunch of self portraits with his bandaged head for Christ's sake!!). I consider myself to be one of those enlightened few who is able to appreciate the genius while he is still alive. Call it narcissicistic if you will, but I call it staying ahead of the game.
So stick that in yer pipe and smoke it Matty Matt! Hahahaha....
You just have to be able to interpret that clever Graham Russell subtext. I was never to fond of Van Gogh either ... or Dickinson. If I am going to go with crazy-genius people, I think I'm sticking with Hunter Thompson (so what if his madness was drug induced), David Lynch and Charles Bukowski. You can have Jack White.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it
because the only people who really know where it is,
are the ones who have gone over."
the stripes rock. period. end of story!!!
i was at all 3 shows. hands down the best birthday present to myself ever.
Ps. there is $6 parking behind the masonic.
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