Saturday, July 30, 2005

Dear Alyssa

Oh my dear sweet Alyssa. I just walked in from work to discover your letter on my bed and I didn't waste a moment in opening it up. (I especially enjoyed the stickers from Wizzywig on the front as well; remember when we went with your dad that one day? You guys picked me up after my last class of college and we all went to dinner. That was fun.) But anyhow, since you mentioned being such an avid reader of my blog I thought I'd give you your own entry. Complete with photos. I even considered taking one of my bizarre feet for you, but could not locate my digital camera. Alas, that photo will be for another day. Another day when I have had more time to give myself a pedicure first!

I was shocked (to put it mildly) to read that Nicholas, world's youngest flirt, is three whole years old already. My nephew will turn three on August 11th, and he is *such* a troublemaker. I think I will always remember that look that Nicholas threw me when we were all standing in the kitchen at 1201 after graduation, it was such a knowing look for a child that small to give. Remember how hard we all laughed?

Talking with you the other night helped me feel so, so, SO much better. I feel ashamed that so much time passed between us without a word from me. I am going to try very hard to prevent that from happening again. I cannot tell you how many times I have been bummed or pissed or confused or worried and thought, "I miss the 1201 kitchen." The kitchen that you found and said to Bec and I, "So I found this house, and the kitchen is amazing...." The talking and the snacking on various baked goods somehow always made all of us feel better I think. No matter which of us was frustrated about whichever boy, or stressed out about whatever class, the kitchen was always there for us when we needed it! (Which is more than I can say for boys, especially lately, and that is the God's honest truth!)

Anyway my dear. Know that I think about you and miss you often. I have so many pictures on my walls of all my far off friends, it helps me feel closer to you guys. And I will absolutely plan to visit you soon, even if it's just for a weekend. I think it would do us both good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maria, I look shitty in that photo, I got the graduation cap head going me some justice, girl!