Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Strep Can Kiss My A**!

How is it possible that I am sick AGAIN?? If I find the germ infested weasel that gave me strep throat in the middle of July I will do bad, bad things to them. My doc looked at my tonsils this morning and said, "Yeah, those are pretty bad." A freaking doctor!! He sees this crap all the time. *Sigh* At least my fever is gone. For now. (Knock on wood! ...No seriously, knock on some wood right now!) I thought that I was just feeling crappy when I came home from work on Sunday because I only got about 3 hours of ZZZ's the night before -- but no, apparently it's because I was about to come down with strep throat. So, crazy thanks and appreciation to Nik, who drove my ass home from work on Sunday night, and also my baby Shaun, who got up early to drive my ass out to my doctor's office in Novi before having to go into work today. And of course I cannot forget my mom and dad, who always express crazy concern and take care of me when I'm sick. It's good to have the love that I have in my life. So far Boomer (my doctor) says no way on the tonsilectomy (!), but if I get sick once more in the next couple months, it's off to the ear-nose-and-throat-guy I go!

On today's agenda: some catch up emailing, some channel surfing, and A LOT of Harry Potter reading action. Oh man, I think I'm gonna start right now!!

First, I gotta do a collage for Steph though, since she was like, "Hey!! Where are the pics of ME??!!" Haha, love you Steph!

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