Friday, December 29, 2006
I Will Never Shop At Meijer Ever Again In My Whole Entire Life
I had to show the girl my driver's license because I was buying some beer. She looked on the back and saw my change of address sticker. When she gave me the total I wrote her a check. My checks still have my old address on them, which J.P. Morgan Chase told me was absolutely fine. I've probably written 50 checks since I moved and never had any trouble. I just cross out my old address and put my new address on the check along with my phone number. I give the check to the girl and she tells me that she can't accept it becuase the address on my check is different from the address on my driver's license. I pointed out to her that the address on the front of my driver's license is the same address that is on my checks becuase I just recently moved and wasn't about to throw out an entire box of unused checks. She says she's sorry, that it's just their policy, and Shaun asks for a manager.
The woman behind us in line says that she has the same problem, because she also just moved, and she swears she's written checks at Meijer since her move. I thought that I had left my debit card at home, which meant that if they didn't accept my check I was going to have to leave the store empty handed after having spent an hour picking out all my groceries. The manager comes over and says the exact same thing, "Sorry, but it's the store's policy." And so I asked the reason for the policy. I consider myself a reasonable person, if she had been able to give me any kind of reason for the policy I would have listened, but she couldn't. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's just our policy." So at this point Shaun is getting out his money clip to see how much cash he has on him, and I look in my wallet and realize that I do have my debit card on me, so I use it and we go.
Today I went through my bank statements and added up how much money I have spent at that Meijer since moving into our apartment. The total came to a ridiculous $1,219.66. That's groceries, apartment stuff, Christmas presents, etc., but it is still a buttload of money to spend at one store in less than four months time. They lost a good customer that day because of a stupid policy for which there is no apparent reason. Down with Meijer!
Monday, December 11, 2006
When Losing & Finding Are The Same
I can’t find anything. Ever. My mom might say that I am the worst Looker ever because whenever she says, “Go look for _______,” I can never find it. When I return to her empty-handed she will inevitably ask, “Well, did you look for it?” No mom, I just walked around aimlessly for twenty minutes peeking behind shelved knick-knacks and rummaging through drawers because I felt like it.
Often times I will be searching for something I know, something I’ve seen, something that has a usual place that it’s not in right now when my mother needs it. Like the scissors. Or the Scotch tape. I am notorious in my family for using the scissors, losing the scissors, and then still not finding them after twenty-five minutes or serious, hard-core, concentrated searching. At that point my mom interrupts whatever she happens to be doing, walks into my room and picks up the one piece of paper I happened to not look under, and lo and behold: the fucking scissors.
Part of the reason I am perpetually trying to find things is closely related to the fact that I tend to misplace things. I am always losing my stuff because I just have too much of it. At times I honestly think that I am physically incapable of throwing things away. Somehow I manage to convince myself that I might really want that little empty box that my lipstick came in for something sometime. Maybe I’ll give Nikki some Chap Stick and wrap it up really fancy. Or how about that little rectangular tin the last 500 free hours of AOL CD came in? I will definitely use that for something!
I collect all this crap thinking it’s valuable, thinking I’ll use it, and then I completely forget that I even have it. Then when I am ripping through my closet for something I really, actually, truly, desperately need to find, I’m bombarded with a colossal amount of shit, most of which I can’t even recall the reason for having kept.
When Hayden Caruth said, “losing and finding,” were the same, I wrote it down. I thought to myself, “If I weren’t always losing my shit, maybe I wouldn’t always need to find it.” This works fine for a discussion of physical objects, but what about how I once lost all of my courage at the end of a bad relationship? What about how I once lost all respect for myself when a selfish lover’s opinion of my sex appeal made me question my beauty? What about how I lost all my motivation for law school because Mark told me he’d break up with me if I became a lawyer, since, “…all lawyers are liars,” and he couldn’t date a liar?
I once misplaced my entire self, all the things that make me feel good, smart, and strong. I lost everything, including the sense of my immeasurable worth, because I didn’t even know that I had them. I took them for granted and they left me, as even the most patient lovers will do after years of neglect. It took losing those things to even realize that they existed, and then it took work to find them again. If I hadn’t lost myself in weakness and stupidity and emotion then I wouldn’t feel the way I do now -- that I can do anything I want ,and the only person I need is me. I had to lose me to find me, and I like what I’ve got, so I’m keeping it.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
You Never Give Me Your Money

And in the middle of negoti- ations
You break down.
I never give you my number.
I only give you my situation.
And in the middle of investigation
I break down.
Two in one day, how lucky are YOU? Pretty lucky. That's what.
So yesterday 94.7 did The Beatles A to Z in honor of John Lennon. Yesterday was the 26th anniversary of his death. While in the car driving to Natalie's play, talking on the phone and singing, "Maxwell's Silver Hammer," (yes, I am one of those people that talks on my cell phone and drives at the same time) Matt told me he is trying to find a copy of Abbey Road so that he can frame it and hang it on the wall. He fancies himself like Paul, barefoot and out of step with the rest of the gang. I fancy myself like George: the only one in jeans.
At the intermission of Natalie's play, Uncle Greg, Mom, and I were discussing how timeless the music of The Beatles truly is.
And so today I am listening to Abbey Road.
That was really all I had to say.
Ooohh you're gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time!
Quit Yer Bitchin'

So.... What's been new? Averting further relationship crises (plural, yes), X-mas planning, promotion at work (mo' money!), X-mas shopping, a little plotting and scheming, and uh, oh yeah, some more X-mas planning.
You know. The usual.
Oh, I am also hard at work procrastinating for the GRE. (See, most people study for it, I, however, am not like most people.)
Recently I have been thinking WAY too much about (dah, dah, dah): The Future. *gasp* Namely, what exactly it is that I want to get out of my future. I think I have come to the realization that thinking too much about *GASP* THE FUTURE will only help you to totally f*ck up your present. Because then it starts raining pressure -- pressure of the "So what the hell are we gonna do with our lives?!" variety. Worse than acid rain, yick! Which is just all bad.
Sometimes I wish I could just be a little kid again. No worries, no life planning to do. Just playing with my dollhouse and reading the Little House on the Prairie books. Man, I loved those books.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
It's Great To Be A Michigan Wolverine!

So I opened up my email today to find a great selection of Ohio State jokes, sent to me by Nikki's mom, a HUGE MSU fan. How great is that? I am feeling good about the game. I don't think it's a sign of bad luck that Bo passed away, now we've got him up in heaven rooting for the Wolverines, and our players will play harder to make sure they give Bo a good send off. GO BLUE!
And now, for your enjoyment, some good Buckeye jokes, courtesy of Nik's mom:
A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna hear an Ohio State joke?" The guy replies, "Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I am 6' tall, 200 lbs. and I am an Ohio State Graduate. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2", 225 lbs. and he is an Ohio State Graduate. The guy right next to him is 6'5", 250 lbs. and he is also an Ohio State Graduate. Now, you still wanna tell me that joke?" The first guy says, "No, not if I'm going to have to explain it three times"
What's the only sign of intelligent life in Columbus?
Ann Arbor: 187 Miles
What does the average Ohio State student get on his SAT?
Four college Alumni were climbing a mountain one day: A OSU grad, a Michigan grad, a Penn State grad, and a Notre Dame grad. Each proclaimed to be the most loyal fan of their alma mater. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which of them was the most loyal of all. They continued to argue all the way to the top when the Notre Dame grad hurled himself off the mountainside shouting, "This is for the fighting Irish!" Not wanting to be out done, the Penn State grad threw himself off the mountain proclaiming, "This is for the Nittany Lions!" Seeing this, the Michigan grad walked over and shouted, "This is for the Wolverines!" and pushed the Ohio State grad off the mountain.
A young man hired by a supermarket reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and smile, gave him a broom and said, "Your first job will be to sweep the store." "But, I'm a Ohio State graduate," the young man replied indignantly, "I even played football there!" "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that," said the manager. "Here, give me the broom, I'll show you how."
Two Ohio State football players were hootin' and hollerin' while partying on campus when a bartender asked them why they were celebrating. The smart one said proudly that they had just finished a jigsaw puzzle and it only took them two months. "Two months?!" exclaimed the bartender. The Buckeye proudly replied, "Yeah, the box said 4 - 6 years!"
A Buckeye football player was almost killed today in a tragic horseback riding accident. He fell from the horse and was nearly trampled to death. Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged the horse just in time.
What are the three longest years of an Ohio State football player's life? His freshman year.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Big Pimpin'
I realized while watching The Empire Strikes Back that Han Solo is the biggest pimp of all time. After his buddy Lando sells him out to Darth Vader, right as he is about to go into the carbon freeze, Chewbacca freaks out and starts knocking Imperial troopers off the platform. Han tells him he's gotta cut that shit out because Chewy has to look after Princess Leia now, then he kisses Leia and some troopers grab him and put him in place to get frozen. He's looking at Leia, Leia's looking at him, and she says, "I love you!" And you know what Han Solo says? He says, "I know." And then they deep freeze his ass. Pimpin'! No tears, no fear, no, "I love you too." Just, "I know."
Yeah, I love Star Wars.
Our HBO/Cinemax rep was at work on Friday and she had an Internet scavenger hunt for us to do for the chance to win some pretty cool Star Wars gear from Cinemax. So I was reading an interview with George Lucas and found out that there are actually three more episodes! Episodes 7, 8, & 9. Which he says he's planning on making -- with as many original cast members as possible. But filming won't start until at least 2017, which is like what 40 years after the original trilogy came out? Get ready for an 80 year old Han Solo!! Hahahaha.... At least I'll have that to look forward to when I'm in my thirties.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
This Virgo Likes A Leo
Last night Shaun and I went to go see Martin Scorsese's new movie, "The Departed." In addition to Leo, it also stars Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, and Alec Baldwin. As if that weren't enough, Brad Pitt was one of the (executive?) producers. Although Shaun hated the ending, I thought it was amazing. I see serious Oscar nominations coming its way, and maybe even one for Leo.
It's amazing that the little pretty boy went from this:

To this:

I mean, wow. So anyway, back to the movie. I don't want to ruin anything, but I will say that it lives up to its name, and somehow Scorsese still manages to find surprising ways to off people. Go see it, but pee first, cuz it is 2.5 hours long.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Where's My Toolbox?
1. Dick DeVos is a disgrace to the Forest Hills public school system.
2. He is a tool in the same league as those in the White House.
3. If he's elected governer, I'm moving to Canada.
Make sure you take your ass to vote on November 7, even if it is for a tool, at least you're supporting our democracy.
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Well Nik, this is for you. I let the spirit of Halloween inspire me! Tonight I made Jack-O-Lanterns with Mom and Shannon & the kids and this is the end result. The lower right-hand corner is my Martha Sterwart pattern, and the others are just good old fashioned Halloween FUN!
Happy almost Halloween everyone!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
In The Navy
He looked outstanding in his uniforms, and he seemed healthier and happier than I've seen him in a long time. I can tell he was tired, probably physically and emotionally exhausted from all the ass busting he had to go through, but he's a better man for it.
And now he knows how to iron his clothes!
For your viewing pleasure:

Friday, September 29, 2006
East Side Maria's. And Shaun's.
Me: "Mom, it's right next to Lakeside Mall."
Mom: "Where's Lakeside Mall??"
Dad: "Your mom doesn't know the East Side."
Well, she'll learn. Just like me.
So far I love our apartment. It is huge, the location is great, and I love that the place I call home is the same place where Shaun is. That's my favorite part. For sure.
If you still need my address and new ph # email me.
Friday, September 22, 2006
What a Retard*
Two days ago I traveled to no less than 3 stores in search of Justin Timberlake's new CD, which has the somewhat odd title of Futuresex/Lovesounds. After going to 3 different places with no success, I postponed my quest. Yesterday I finally managed to locate a copy, at Meijer of all places, while on my lunchbreak. Since then I have been unable to stop listening to it. It is as if some strange power of nature is protecting my stereo with a force field that keeps me from being able to turn it off -- or turn the volume down.
A few months ago I bought a copy of GQ magazine, only to have Shaun point out astutely, "Babe, that is a men's magazine."
To which I replied, "Yes, but it has Justin Timberlake on the cover."
Exhibit A:

So, after listening to the CD, and repeating his new single, "My Love," (probably written for Cameron Diaz) and loving it more than I've loved a song in a while, I started to think, "Britney is a moron. Who would ditch Justin Timberlake for that toolbox Kevin Federline?? A retard, that's who."
As much as I doubt that any of you are going to defend the self-dubbed K-Fed (that makes me giggle!), I will assume that one of you might say, "But Maria! He is kind of cute sometimes."
To respond I have exhibit B:
I thought that this was Sean Paul the first time I looked at it, but nope! It is Britney's husband and the selected father of her (soon to be) two kids.
Could he look like more of an idiot?? ....Probably. He could be standing next to her.
Case closed.
*Do not lecture me on this use of the word retard.
powered by ODEO
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Kristina and Chad

I have to say that I felt very honored to be invited to share this event in their lives with them, but even more so because everyone treated me as if I were just a part of the family. I couldn't feel luckier to have such open arms around me.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
This weekend was much more relaxed, thank God. On Friday night I went with Shaun to the new BW3 on Mound and 12 Mile Rd. where all his co-workers came out to wish him luck in his new position and say goodbye. A ton of people showed up and I think he was even a little surprised at how many people came out for him, but it's no surprise to me, Shaun is the nicest guy ever! Everybody loves him! Plus he's going to do amazingly well as a salesman, I just *know* it!
Yesterday I went out to Mom's office and she cleaned my teeth (it'd been 2 years since my last cleaning, eek!), and then Shaun and I went to lunch with her at my FAVORITE Mexican restaurant of *all* time, El Nibble Nook. Then we came back to my house and watched football, napped, ate pizza, did laundry, you know, just stuff. But it was really nice to just chill. Last night we went back over to his place, he played poker for awhile, I put a bunch of songs on my iPod. While digging around in the pictures on his computer I found these pics of me and Nik from when we went to Pearl Jam in May:

Next weekend is Chad and Kristina's wedding and I can't wait to wear my dress!! Shaun is going to be looking sharp in his tuxedo and this time I am DETERMINED to get more pictures of US all dressed up! Kristina is going to look so, so beautiful in her dress. Exciting stuff!
That's about all I've got to say at this particular moment in time. Later y'all!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006

It's official. I love Project Runway almost as much as I love Sex & the City. I say almost because, for me, Sex will always be the greatest TV show of all time. But I digress.
With the evolution of reality television and its launch into orbit around the world, the quality has -- of course -- diminished significantly. I remember watching The Real World on MTV before you had to be a model who would make out with all your roommates after knowing them for 4.8 seconds. The first 3 seasons were actually an interesting social experiment. Bring a group of people together that would otherwise probably not meet each other and see how they might influence each other's lives. Now it's just total shite.
Project Runway is the only reality show that I watch, and I LOVE it. Shaun has been good enough to put up with my *having* to watch it every Wednesday (don't worry baby, I will remember this when I have to watch football so you can check your fantasy players' stats or whatever the hell). Last week I was truly and seriously pissed about who got kicked off (I am still in shock) and I was actually yelling profanities at the television set.
I think I like the show so much because the contestants actually have to have talent, genuine talent, in order to succeed. And it gives me good fashion tips. Plus I like seeing what Heidi's going to wear each week. But anyways. I actually know some men, heterosexual men at that, who do enjoy the show, although I will allow them to remain nameless in order to avoid being lambasted for liking a *gasp* FASHION show!! Hahahaha.... Well at least between PR and Entourage I have 1.5 solid hours of TV that I love each week. Now I just need Nip/Tuck to come back!!
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Last weekend many months of careful planning paid off. I successfully surprised Shaun on Sunday by taking him to a Tigers game with his friends, sisters, Mom, and a good chunk of my family too! I think he was truly in shock when he saw everyone, and even though the Tigers lost we all still had a great time. Sunburn and all!
Something else that I wasn't planning on happened too. On Saturday night Kira picked me up to take me to what I thought was going to be dinner with just me and her. I was excited because I haven't seen her in about two months, (no kidding, two months!) and I was just looking forward to the two of us sharing some wine over dinner and catching up. But instead I got a surprise party too!! I also got an iPod Nano (SWEET!), some beautiful jewelry fr

Thanks to everyone who helped with both events, and thanks to all our guests for coming, especially those who came downtown 2 nights in a row!! Also, anyone who took pictures either day please email the pics to me, only these two really turned out OK and I need more!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Brothers & Sisters

At first when he was thinking about joining I was really against the idea. I don't have very much confidence in our nation's leaders right now and I just felt that he was putting himself needlessly in harm's way. But what I've realized is that Jesse was already in harm's way, just by being stuck here, unhappy, and not knowing what to do with his life. It is in situations like those that people tend to make bad decisions and wind up in a world of trouble, or worse. Thinking about it like that has helped me realize that this is probably the best thing my brother has ever done with his life, and I just hope that he succeeds and is happy with his choice.
I think he'll be just fine.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Washington D.C.
After dinner we went to the bars and it was fun just to kick it around town with the ladies. Nik's roommate and good friend, Soo, came out with us. Since Nik and Soo and I are all taken we had fun deflecting the guys. (And deflect them we did, Shaun!! Hahaha....) Although I have to say I missed him like CRAZY last night because we went to this club that was playing Daddy Yankee and tons of reggaeton music, (at one point the DJ was mixing Andean flute music in with the tracks and ALL I could think about was Ecuador) and I just knew that Shaun would have loved it.
Today I hung out with Bec for a while, we went to lunch at a great little Mexican place and then got some ice cream at a family style dairy place. After lunch we went back to her apartment and played with her new doggy that she adopted. Her place is really cute, all hardwood floors and lots of windows (including one in the bathroom AND one in the kitchen -- amazing!). Tomorrow she and Jetta leave to go to Puerto Rico for 10 days. After Beca's I came back to Nik's where she and Soo and Leigh proceeded to BBQ up a storm and served up a phatty meal for everyone.
Tomorrow Nik and I are going to Ozzfest (System of A Down, what?!?!) and it should be awesome. Ozzy decided to play the tour again this year and he is always entertaining, but truly the only reason we are going at all this year is because of System -- who are on the verge of becoming the greatest rock band of all time. Last time we went to System we had floor "seats" at the Palace - which are not seats at all because it's general admission -- and I think we actually scared men we were moshing so hard. No moshing this time around because we have pavillion seats, but that's cool because we can wear sandals and wear our hair down without having to worry about it getting accidentally ripped out of our scalps. It's gonna be sweet!
Now it's bedtime because I am tired as HELL. But more will follow, maybe even with pictures!
Goodnight all!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
When the Going Gets Tough...
So Shaun and I just made it through our first real rough spot and it feels good -- now that it's over. While we were fighting it felt like someone was crushing my heart with the weight of 1000 dictionaries. The really big, unabridged ones. I think we mostly had a communication breakdown, and my feelings were hurt and his feelings were hurt. The other night we sat and talked for a long time, and yesterday I woke up feeling better than I have in a good month or so.
I crazy love that man. Even when we're fighting, which really is not very often, I still know how much I love him. We both just need to remember patience and consideration sometimes.

This is us at Kira & Jeff's wedding. The wedding photographer took this one, which I love because it is so candid. And Nik looks HOT in the pic too! Bonus!
Sunday, July 23, 2006

So I didn't have to go to ANY jobs today! I slept in my hammock, went to CVS to find some magic-nail-fixing-potion, and then went to Best Buy and bought the above four CDs. When I went to the check out the cashier, male, young, looked at each of my CDs and then looked at me and then looked back at the CDs and said, "Kind of an interesting collection of music. This all for you?" I said, "Yep." But I really wanted to say, "Mind your effing business." So far all of them are great.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
My Dad Loves Fireworks

Tonight he held out his hand to reveal a little bundle of green paper in his palm -- a little bundle that happened to have a fuse attached to it. When I said, "What's that?" he grinned through his beard and said, "That's loud." Then he walked outside.
Moments later he came back inside, empty handed, and said, "Just wait. In a little bit that's going to be loud."
"What'd you do? Light it and walk away?"

"I stuck a lit cigarette to the end of it, that way it'll go real slow."
Five minutes later a huge BOOM! resonated through the house. My car alarm started going off. He came back into the kitchen to get my keys so he could turn off my car alarm.
Later he calls us outside for another one. This one he sets on the driveway, clear of the phone line that runs to our house from the street, lights with his Zippo with the picture of the trout on it, and runs away before the sparks start shooting up. We stand in the driveway and admire the display -- so do the kids across the street, who can be heard squealing, "Oooohhhhh!! Fireworks!!"
Yep. My dad loves fireworks.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Going to the Chapel...

And Matt and Beth got married! So, the much anticipated wedding was yesterday and it was a BLAST! Beth looked absolutely gorgeous in her dress -- no surprise there! -- and everyone else looked fantastic as well. Shaun is hot stuff in that tuxedo! The wedding ceremony was much shorter than I was expecting it to be, and after we left the church we went back to Matt & Beth's for a little while to hang out, take pictures, and snack on cheese and crackers before the reception.
The reception was beautiful, great food, decent DJs, and of course, lots of great company. Shaun's best man speech was sweet and to-the-point, he caught the garter belt (that's 3 in a row for him!), and once everyone started dancing we didn't stop til midnight! All in all, a great wedding! I can't wait to see everyone else's pictures, but here are some of mine for now!
Friday, June 23, 2006
And On The 14th Day She Rested
Should be a party three day weekend if ever there was one.
Oh, and I got paid today! Stay tuned for pictures y'all.
Monday, June 19, 2006
I Can't Drive 65, and Other Bedtime Stories
On Friday night I went out with Linda and Kathy to the Post Bar in Novi. It is pretty much the lamest bar on the planet. If I could talk my friends into it I would never go there again. Or Woody's in Royal Oak: also freaking lame! Friday everyone but me got totally and utterly annihilated -- so I brought everyone back to my house to sleep it off and then drove people home and to work the next morning. I swear I am the greatest friend of all time! (Haha, just kidding ladies, you know I got your backs!)
Today while driving to work I nearly had an aneurism while stuck behind some dillhole doing 65 in the fast line. My theory is thus -- if you want to be a law abiding citizen then whoo-hoo for you! But do NOT get in the fast lane of a FOUR LANE highway and impose your ideals about obeying the speed limit on the poor, unsuspecting people behind you. I go 80 whenever possible and when you get in my way, and then refuse to switch lanes and make me bob and weave and go three lanes out of my way to get around you, you're getting the bird, and that's all there is to it. Yes, I have road rage and I'm proud of it. I usually only express it while in the car alone. I try not to make other people suffer through the profanities that tumble out of my mouth when I get stuck behind someone that has zero business behind the wheel of a car anyway.
This weekend is Matt and Beth's wedding and I am super excited. I went to Nordstrom RACK with Kira (it was my first time there) and holy crap! I got a beautiful dress for $99 that was originally $365!! And some cute shoes for $50 too. Deal, deal, deal. Gap is having the biggest sale in the history of mankind right now, and I think it's the Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale as well, so Friday might be a shopping day!
In other news my Aunt Mary and Uncle Jim (Mom's little sis and her hubby) are coming to Detroit (*gasp* it's a miracle!) this weekend, and also Brian and Stephanie are going to be in town, so with the out-of-towners and the wedding this promises to be a very busy weekend.
Now I am going to go make some popcorn and watch Entourage again. It's my new Sex and the City. If you don't know about Entourage, you need to call your cable company and order HBO, hands down it's the best show on TV.
Peace out homies. More updates after this weekend. I'll have a LOT of new pics to put up.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Get To The Point

So on Friday I went to Cedar Point with Nik, my friends Linda and Kathy from Gap, and Linda's friend Alissa. It was a bit rainy but we braved the weather to get some thrills on the greatest rollercoasters ever.
Yesterday Shaun and I went to the mall so that I could find a dress for Matt and Beth's wedding, but I was unsuccessful in my attempt. I obviously can't wear white to a wedding, and I don't really want to wear black. I was looking for a pretty color, but preferably all one solid color, and something that I can hide a bra underneath. I didn't even come close. But Shaun and I had fun playing with the SWEET iBooks at the Apple store.
After the mall we went to go see his dad's new condo, which is really nice but way, way out in BFE. (Well actually, I think it's Harrison Twp, but whatever.) We went to dinner with his dad and then went downtown to the Tigers game with his sister and her finacé. The Tigers beat the Indians 3-1 and it was a great game. A 2 run homer by Ordoñez, lots of double plays, and a beautiful fireworks show after the game. There were 37,000+ people at the park, by far more than I have ever seen at a Tigers game, and it got me thinking about what it would be like if the Lions are actually halfway decent this fall -- to have all our pro teams not suck ass in the same year!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Yep, It's Better than "Crash"
"Brokeback" was in On Demand and as I sat there listening to the preview I began to wonder what had been keeping me from seeing this movie. And then I remembered that Jake Gyllenhall and Heath Ledger, two absolute cuties, have near naked cowboy sex with each other up on that now infamous mountain. Honestly my friends, I thought I was an open minded person, but how reluctant I've been to watch this movie is making me question just how open my mind really is. I am definitely not a homophobe, and I'm not one of those in-betweeners who says, "Hey, as long as you don't hit on ME, we're cool!" I've been hit on by lesbians before and it's not that big a deal. You just say, "Sorry, I'd rather kiss boys, but that's sweet of you to ask -- nice bracelet!," and go on with whatever you were doing.
But I suppose when I think about my response to a person of the same sex hitting on me, I am indeed talking about women. Lesbians, to be exact. And I feel like there is much less hullaballoo around women who like to get it on with each other, than there is with men who prefer other men. I mean, look at all that Girls Gone Wild stuff, it's girls making out with other girls, showering with other girls, blah blah blah. I've seen some, ahem, shall we say 'adult' cinema that includes men on men action, but mostly it just seems cheesy and corny and funny -- but then again most, um, 'adult' cinema strikes me as cheesy and corny and funny -- and sometimes just utterly gross. But I digress. The real reason it took me so long to see "Brokeback Mountain" is because I think Jake and Heath are hot, and I really just didn't know if I could handle watching them do their thing.
So surprise, surprise when it actually turned out to be kind of hot. Yes, I said that too, it was hot! And after thinking about it, I realized why: because of the emotion behind it. (And well, because Jake and Heath are HOT!) It's a story about forbidden love, and, for those of you who know me and my all time favorite books and movies, you know that's the shit I love! (Can you say, "The English Patient??") This story just proves that no matter who it's between, love is truly a beautiful thing; no matter what the genders are of the people in love, ther're in love and that's all that matters. It was also unbelievably well acted, and heartbreakingly sad. I cried, but then again I cried watching, "Fever Pitch," -- you know, with Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore? But this cry was more like a, "Braveheart," or a, "Million Dollar Baby," kind of a cry.
I still haven't seen, "Capote," but honestly, Phillip Seymour Hoffman must have just done an amazing job to beat Heath Ledger out of this one. And I still haven't seen, "Syriana," but I don't think George Clooney really did beat Jake Gyllenhall out of this one, I think the Academy just wasn't ready to give an Oscar to a gay cowboy.
Turns out I'm not the only one who wasn't as open minded as I thought I was. Go rent it!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Not-So-Great Depression
I know it's not my mom and dad's fault, but it is. And I know it's not my fault, but it is. And I know it's not because the economy in Michigan is so fucking crappy, but it is. It is everything and it is nothing and it is all day, every day, 24 hours a day, nonstop.
I've always been a smart kid, since I was 3. I find it hard to believe that my parents never realized that I'd be going to college one day, in fact I know they wanted me to go college, yet they saved nothing for it. Didn't prepare at all. Mom said to my 17 year old self, "If you get into Harvard, we'll pay for it, I don't care if I have to clean teeth till I'm 80, you'll go." And my 17 year old self thought, "Well OK, if you say so."
But now I realize that I want my mom to be able to retire. She deserves it. She's the hardest working woman I've ever known in my life, and if anybody on this earth deserves a relaxing retirement, it's her. It breaks my heart to think of her not getting that, because I just had to go to U of M! But why do I feel responsible and guilty because my parents did not have a financial plan that included me going to a school like U of M?? I mean it didn't help that dad got sick, of course, but even if that hadn't happened I think we'd still all be drowning in this mess. When they said go, I didn't question it, I was 17 and I trusted that they knew better than I did. But apparently none of us knew. And now I see my mom come home from work, and she's tired and she's frustrated, and I see my dad unable to work, and he's tired and he's frustrated, and I see my brother not really care if he works or not, which makes my parents tired and frustrated -- and I really want my mom to be able to retire. So that she can garden and read and walk the dog. So that she and my dad can go fishing.
It hurts me so deep in my heart that I now think of my education as pointless. I've been working 2 jobs for over a year now and neither one of them requires anything remotely close to the level of education that I have. A monkey could do what I do. All my education is helping me to see right now is what a fucking waste of time and money it was. And it helps me kick people's asses in Scrabble. And I know that what I learned while I was at U of M includes so much more than what I learned in class, but still, I am gasping for air and feel like I am about to die and none of that is good to me dead.
I think about my friends, the amazing friends that I made and how much I love them and how much I miss them and how far away they all are and how I don't have the money to visit, and don't have energy to call them because the last thing I want to do when I come home from having talked on the phone all day is talk on the phone. And I know that at this rate it's only a matter of time before they really aren't friends anymore. They'll just be the people I used to know when I was younger, and I'll be nonexistent to them. I think about what I learned about myself and what I want out of life, and what I learned about love and what I want in a man and a husband. And then I think, "What was the point?" because any man with half a brain would be insane to marry me with all my baggage. I've got more baggage than Louis Vuitton... and it's probably more expensive too. I feel less than worthless. $85,000 less than worthless to be exact.
I think about what I want my future to be like and how I want to have a career that I actually enjoy, where maybe -- God forbid -- I might make a little bit of money. How I want to get married and be somebody's wife, and have kids and be somebody's mother. And I want to be able to have a home and sign my kids up for every extra thing they want to do whether it's piano lessons or gymnastics or scuba diving or hockey or karate. And I want to be able to take vacations and show my kids the whole wide world, so that they understand what a huge mechanism they are a part of. And I want my husband to be able to buy a motorcycle if he wants, or go fishing with the guys and not have to worry about how we're going to buy groceries that week. And then reality sets in that probably none of that is going to really be possible. Not with the way things are going. Not unless I win the lottery.
All of this probably sounds really pathetic and pitiful, and I know that I am feeling sorry for myself, but lately I cannot even breathe because of it. I open my eyes in the morning and I think about my debt. I wash my hair, I brush my teeth, I start my car, I go to work and I think about my debt. It is crushing me and I am so, so tired. I want so badly to be able to go to graduate school but I feel like that would be the stupidest, most selfish thing that I could ever do. I'd just be digging myself deeper. Deeper and deeper and deeper. I want so badly to quit one of my jobs but I could never survive with just the one.
My mom tells me that if I just have faith, everything will be OK. But I don't have faith. I don't see how anything is going to be OK at this rate, and I can't break out of it. I'm sick of always driving everywhere and I'm sick of putting gas in my car. I'm sick of trying to remind Jesse that he should do this or do that knowing that he won't, and I'm sick that as scary as it is I'm actually glad he joined the Navy because nothing else seems to work. I'm sick of the stupid people I talk to on the phone every day. I'm sick of our stupid president and how he turns people against each other when really we are all so much the same. I'm sick of worrying about everybody all the time, and I'm sick of knowing that people worry about me.
I just don't know what to do anymore, and mom's hugs aren't helping, and Shaun's hugs aren't helping, and I'd really love to go see a therapist and a financial planner, but of course none of that is free -- which means I can't afford it.
So I guess I'll just do what I do every night that I sleep here. Go to bed, watch some of my free cable, and fall asleep in all my pillows with Blue Bear in my arms.
Then tomorrow I'll get up and go to work.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
No Basketball for You!
I have never been cussed out that many times in a single night before. Even yesterday, the day after the disaster, we still had people calling about it. It's amazing how people think that we actually control things like that. We can't make something appear on a certain channel, we are just the messenger! It's a simple concept really. I have at least one call a week that goes like this, "What channel is XXXX on?" Try looking it up on TV, or check the paper, or, as a last resort, just channel surf til your dumbass finds it.
Anyway, in between getting told to, "Shut the hell up," and, "I f*cking hate your company, I missed the whole game last night!" I drew a stick figure cartoon, because I have zero artistic ability, that summarizes the whole situation. I present it now for your viewing pleasure. Toodles!

Monday, May 01, 2006
Fun Weekend
On Saturday I went to Beth's bridal shower and got to hang out with the ladies of Shaun's family without him around, which was kind of neat. I really love that I genuinely get along with them, especially since I have never, ever dated a guy with sisters before. We had good food at Olive Garden and had fun watching Beth open her presents. She is going to be such a beautiful bride! After the shower I went home to take a nap before meeting up with Shaun and some of his friends from Art Van at the Blarney Stone in Royal Oak.
Yesterday was spent cleaning my room before heading out to Ann Arbor to see Lys since she is in town for her little sister's graduation from U of M. (Holy crap!) I realized that it had been THREE YEARS since we'd seen each other, and it was SO nice just to grab a beer and catch up on old times. Shaun came with and I think he was truly and deeply impressed by the beer selection at Ashley's pub in Ann Arbor. We even stole a pint glass to add to his growing collection! Hooray for big purses.
Anyways, today it's back to work after a lovely three day weekend. It's nice that I only have to work four days before I get two more off again.
Are you people who read this still alive?? I haven't had a comment in eons.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Ready, Steady, GO!

It wasn't the same making them without Nik or Steph there, but I had a lot of fun with Georgana and Cameron, who came over and experimented with the dyes and stuff.
On Easter Shaun and I went to his mom's for brunch, but I couldn't stay because I had to be at work at 1:30. Mom cooked up a storm here as well and I enjoyed the leftovers.
Last night Shaun and I crashed his friend Laura's wedding. (Well we didn't really crash, we just went to the reception to see Laura, get our groove on, and dig on the free bar.) It was really neat since she was Shaun's prom date in high school, some of his other friends from high school were there as well, all girls, and it was fun to meet them all. I think Shaun had a really good time seeing everyone again too.
Now I am off to change into some jeans and a tee shirt and then head out to dinner with my baby. We're in for a relaxing night of movie watching (and perhaps Scrabble playing!) since I am so exhausted after my loooong work week.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Emergency 911
This has brought to light another call to 911 in Detroit by a little boy who called to report that his mother had been shot only to be admonished in a highly unprofessional manner by the operator that, "When the police get there you gonna be in trouble!" On the radio this morning they played the tapes back to back in an attempt to determine if the same 911 operator took both of the calls, but it was too hard to tell. I personally think it sounded like two different people, which is even more disgusting than the idea that just one person in the world could do that.
The 911 switchboard, or whatever it's called, claims that 25% of the phone calls it gets are prank calls, and they "train" their operators to try to weed out the prank calls. Excuse me, but last I checked I thought it was illegal to call 911 if it's not a bonafide emergency. If I call 911 and only get to say, "HELP! I live at blah blah blah, I've been shot--" and then my would be murderer cuts the phone line, I want to be DAMN sure that at least one cop and one ambulance are en route to my house within 1 minute of that disconnect. That's why I pay taxes. There are kids, and stupid people, in this world who will call 911 as a joke, but nothing will put them off thinking it's funny like having a fully uniformed Detroit cop (or two) show up at your door ready to bust somebody's shit, only to find out that little Billy thought it'd be a giggle to call 911 and hang up 5 times while his mom was in the shower.
As much as I want to criticize Detroit's government for this, I suppose I can understand why they do this. It costs a lot of money to send a cop out on a 911 call, and it takes him or her away from whatever else they were doing -- which in the D is a lot. If it turns out to be a fake call I'm sure that they'd rather not have sent a squad car out because of the financial factor, in spite of the fact that that is probably the best deterrent to prank calls. (Little Billy tells his friends what happened when he did it, so they tell their friends, who tell their cousins, and pretty soon every kid in the neighborhood knows that the S.W.A.T. team shows up when you prank 911.) It would be too easy to criticize Detroit's government for cutting money from the Police Department (and the Fire Department, and Public Schools, etc.), and it wouldn't really be fair because they've had to cut money from EVERYWHERE because there is NO money....
But how much money did the Detroit casinos earn in 2005? And what percentage of that amount went to the city? Right. That's what I thought.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Tonight while nosing around through some old photo albums I stumbled across a couple of my mom's old scrapbooks from when she was in high school and college in Wisconsin in the late 60's and early 70's. There were a bunch of letters from her then-boyfriend and now ex-hus

Looking through the pages I started to wonder if maybe I shouldn't be looking at some of it, but then I remembered the box of old letters (and probably about 15 of his 8th grade picture in various sizes) that I have of Brantley's (and whoever else's) that is buried in the depths of my closet. There's a reason that I still have all my old journals, and there's a reason I still have that box and just can't seem to throw it away. It's so that someday, God willing, if I have kids, they'll be able to discover that stuff and go, "Oh my God! This reminds me so much of me I can't believe it!" Just like I did tonight.

Going through her old clippings was fun because it was like going back in time. Postage stamps were 6 cents, and all the postmarks say "Titletown USA" with a little outline of a football, obviously honoring The Packers. There was the page from up above in one of them, which has the autographs of a bunch of old Packers players, including Bart Starr! I also found out that my Aunt Annette once got to meet Vince Lombardi because she and two other women organized a Flag Day for a Packers' game, when a bunch of people in the crowd had little miniature USA flags, and she made the paper with him.
She had the Green Bay newspaper from when we landed on the Moon (1969?), and the photo of Neil Armstrong's first steps on the lunar surface took up the entire front page, the way the Twin Towers falling did on just about every newspaper from September 12, 2001. She had pictures of guys she must have thought were dreamy, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Ricky Nelson, the cast of Bonanza got its own page, and a bunch of other dudes I couldn't recognize if someone paid me. She had report cards and birthday cards and pictures and ticket stubs. She had the receipt from when she got the cat we still had when I was a kid, Yossarian. Apparently he was a birthday present from her ex-husband on her birthday in 1971. They paid $3 and some change for him at the Humane Society. I still remember when that cat died. He was something insane like 18 or 19 years old. My mom cried so hard. I suppose that kitty cat had been through quite a bit with her. I remember reading Catch-22

This photo is from when she was Ado Annie in her high school's production of Oklahoma!, she also had the newspaper article that was written about it, with the part about her underlined in what what was once blue ink.
She also had these odd magazine ads that all featured cute babies, some with cute animals next to them. She had a few cutouts from bridal magazines, one that's double-sided and has the two most hideous looking wedding dresses I have ever seen in my life on them, but which were probably very in style in the early 70's. See for yourself:
I can remember my mom telling me that the only thing she ever really wanted to do was be a mother. While I have never felt that way myself about my own life, I always considered that piece of information to be important, somehow, for the relationship I have with my mom. She's more than just a mom to me, she's my best friend. She's my biggest cheerleader, my biggest supporter. I think I've probably given her a lot of crap about mistakes she's made along the way, but I suppose that's because I never really realized that she's just a person until recently. She was always The Mom, and Moms were supposed to do certain things and not do certain other things and I gave her hell when, in my 12-year-old opinion, she was messing up. But she loved me right through it, and she still loves me, and she'll always love me, even when I lay on a guilt trip of Catholic proportions. So if she gets pissed that I read her scrapbook and thought it was cool enough to put up here then I suppose she'll forgive me for it eventually. Right mom?
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
While editing my resume and listening to Pulp Fiction play in the background (the actual movie, not the soundtrack), it ocurred to me that I should update my blog. What to discuss though? I've thought about a lot of things today. For example, I think Tavis Smiley and Bill Maher are right about black men in America when they say that they have generally shitty role models in rappers and pro-athletes. Most young black men will never grow up to be rappers or athletes, they should dream about growing up to be teachers and journalists and doctors and lawyers. Boring? Maybe. But real and achieveable? Definitely.
Also, I think that Ralph Fiennes is my favorite actor of all time. The English Patient is in HBO On Demand right now and I still cry every time I watch it. Although I also think that Christian Bale deserves more credit, Ewan McGregor is the shiznit, and Jamie Foxx is still loveable in spite of having made Stealth. (I mean c'mon Jamie, you need to fire your agent over that one -- seriously, seriously awful. And I didn't even see it.) And I think I have a non-lesbianesque crush on Natalie Portman, because she is outstanding in V for Vendetta. (Which, incidentally, the New York Times completely trashed, but I think is excellent.)
Or, I could think about how pretty soon I get to headbang with Nikki at the SOAD concert in DC in August.
I can't wait to move in with Shaun. (I promise I'll keep my headbanging to the car baby.)
Chocolate sounds stellar right now, but alas I have none. *sniff sniff*
Hopefully I get the job with the United Way, or at least a job as somebody's personal houseplant waterer, because every day when I come home from work all I want to do is stab myself in the eye with a pen repeatedly.
I think I have to sneeze.
Nope. I don't.
Summer could not possibly take any longer to get here.
I apologize if there are type-os.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
It's hard for me to believe that we've been together for a whole year already. I feel like the time has just flown by. I always have so much fun with him, and I wake up with so much excitement about what will happen with us in the future, that the year ended up just whizzing by.
Thank you baby for everything that you do, I love you from the bottom of my heart! Smooch!!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Everybody Loves an Irish Boy

So yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. (Also my mom's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!) Shaun and I woke up at the absolutely unheard of hour of 5:oo A.M. to get ready to go downtown to the Old Shillelagh (pronounced shi-lay-lee) to start the day off right. (Well, I got up at 5, because I had do my hair and my makeup and take a shower, he slept til about 5:50.) When we got downtown at 6:45 there was a line almost down the next block to get into the bar, and it continued to grow as we waited for the doors to open. By the time we got inside and got our first beers it was about 7:30, and it was a great start to a fun day. I found out that we even made it on the morning news because Shannon called and left me a message saying, "We saw you and Shaun on TV!" We met up with Jeff at the Shillelagh and then went to the Anchor for lunch. From there we went to Gusoline Alley in Royal Oak where Shaun's cousins Matt and Nathan met up with us, then on to Renshaw's in Clawson, and then all the way out to O'Malley's in Farmington to meet up with my fam to celebrate Mom's birthday. Needless to say, it was a day of marathon like endurance.
Shaun popped right out of bed this morning, in spite of the tremendous amount of Guinness he drank yesterday, and I, the DD yesterday, was thinking, "Just 10 more minutes, just 10 more minutes of sleep and I'll be OK!!" Hahaha....
Watching Shaun, Nathan, Matt, and Jeff yesterday I realized that Irish boys are great. They don't mince words, they are adorable flirts, and they can hold their liquor (or their Guinness, as the case may be). Plus they're just cuties. Three cheers for Irish boys! (Especially mine, I love you baby, hope you had fun yesterday, cuz I sure did!!)
Friday, March 17, 2006
Guinness for Breakfast
Check back later for some fun audio (maybe) and pictures of our (mis)adventures in the D for St. Patty's.
Oh, and did I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!?????
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Enemy Territory