Wednesday, May 03, 2006

No Basketball for You!

So the other night at work the shit hit the fan. For some reason the network (which shall remain nameless) that was supposed to broadcast the Pistons playoff game in Flint -- and all of mid Michigan actually -- just forgot to broadcast it on the standard channel. It was available on the HD channel, for those lucky few who can afford HD TVs and digital cable and an HD converter box, but for Mr. & Mrs. Average Joe with regular old cable (or rabbit ears) they just could not see the game. Period.

I have never been cussed out that many times in a single night before. Even yesterday, the day after the disaster, we still had people calling about it. It's amazing how people think that we actually control things like that. We can't make something appear on a certain channel, we are just the messenger! It's a simple concept really. I have at least one call a week that goes like this, "What channel is XXXX on?" Try looking it up on TV, or check the paper, or, as a last resort, just channel surf til your dumbass finds it.

Anyway, in between getting told to, "Shut the hell up," and, "I f*cking hate your company, I missed the whole game last night!" I drew a stick figure cartoon, because I have zero artistic ability, that summarizes the whole situation. I present it now for your viewing pleasure. Toodles!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the cartoon, it really helped me feel all the emotions involved :)

Anonymous said...

Maria, you did a fine job telling your customers where to go. (lol) LOVE, DAD

Anonymous said...

Brian & I got a kick out of this. We had a similar situation out here during college football season when we had all the bells & whistles on our digital cable. Got a nice refund that month. :o) Maybe the network thought no one in mid-MI watched the Pistons? haha

Anonymous said...

The only saving grace is, every night when I go home, I thank the cosmic engineer for the smarts to ask simple polite questions when I am not sure of something. This world is a scary place, because of the type of stupid fucking people that call and act like the ones in you pics.(and they really do talk and act like that) Just remember you get a whole lot more with honey than vinagar.


Thomas said...

Hi Maria - I thought you would appreciate this review of your favorite band in the world:
