So on Friday I went to Cedar Point with Nik, my friends Linda and Kathy from Gap, and Linda's friend Alissa. It was a bit rainy but we braved the weather to get some thrills on the greatest rollercoasters ever.
Yesterday Shaun and I went to the mall so that I could find a dress for Matt and Beth's wedding, but I was unsuccessful in my attempt. I obviously can't wear white to a wedding, and I don't really want to wear black. I was looking for a pretty color, but preferably all one solid color, and something that I can hide a bra underneath. I didn't even come close. But Shaun and I had fun playing with the SWEET iBooks at the Apple store.
After the mall we went to go see his dad's new condo, which is really nice but way, way out in BFE. (Well actually, I think it's Harrison Twp, but whatever.) We went to dinner with his dad and then went downtown to the Tigers game with his sister and her finacé. The Tigers beat the Indians 3-1 and it was a great game. A 2 run homer by Ordoñez, lots of double plays, and a beautiful fireworks show after the game. There were 37,000+ people at the park, by far more than I have ever seen at a Tigers game, and it got me thinking about what it would be like if the Lions are actually halfway decent this fall -- to have all our pro teams not suck ass in the same year!!
Here's a link for "What to wear to a wedding..."
Oh ma gosh...I MISS Cedar Point! We were going to go this trip, but SOMEONE had to get knocked up and can't ride the rides. Damn lap bar wouldn't fit across me right now anyway! :)
By the way...The Lions are going to the SUPERBOWL this year! ;)
Is Linda single yet???? She needs to be...and i have a ton of reasons why! LINDA, YOU'RE HOT.......YOU'RE FUN.....YOU'RE SO NICE/FRIENDLY......THERE ARE PLENTY OF GUYS IN THE WORLD THAT WILL APPRECIATE YOU.
If Maria would be cool with it I would even date you! Point being... well you get point.
Love ya, Shaun
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