Friday, September 29, 2006

East Side Maria's. And Shaun's.

So the move is complete. Shaun and I got (most of) our stuff out to the apartment last weekend. It feels weird to be way over on the East Side now. Well, the Northeast side. Our apartment is right on the edge of Sterling Heights, Shelby Township, and Clinton Township. When I was trying to explain the location to my mom, the conversation went as follows:

Me: "Mom, it's right next to Lakeside Mall."

Mom: "Where's Lakeside Mall??"

Dad: "Your mom doesn't know the East Side."

Well, she'll learn. Just like me.

So far I love our apartment. It is huge, the location is great, and I love that the place I call home is the same place where Shaun is. That's my favorite part. For sure.

If you still need my address and new ph # email me.

1 comment:

A. said...

Heck, even *I've* been to Lakeside Mall, and I am not known for my D-navigatin' skillszsszzz. Z.

Congrats on the new place!

When are you coming to see mine?

I seem to recall something about a baby brother of yours graduating from some kind of military school on my adopted home turf this month. I expect a phone call and some Faygo. In return, I will provide free tour-guide services and mp3 CDs.