Friday, September 22, 2006

What a Retard*

Yesterday I realized the true depths of Britney Spears' stupidity. I know what you are thinking, my dear reader: But Maria, we thought you were smart enough to have realized this long before now. Alas, I admit, sometimes I overestimate people.

Two days ago I traveled to no less than 3 stores in search of Justin Timberlake's new CD, which has the somewhat odd title of Futuresex/Lovesounds. After going to 3 different places with no success, I postponed my quest. Yesterday I finally managed to locate a copy, at Meijer of all places, while on my lunchbreak. Since then I have been unable to stop listening to it. It is as if some strange power of nature is protecting my stereo with a force field that keeps me from being able to turn it off -- or turn the volume down.

A few months ago I bought a copy of GQ magazine, only to have Shaun point out astutely, "Babe, that is a men's magazine."

To which I replied, "Yes, but it has Justin Timberlake on the cover."

Exhibit A:

So, after listening to the CD, and repeating his new single, "My Love," (probably written for Cameron Diaz) and loving it more than I've loved a song in a while, I started to think, "Britney is a moron. Who would ditch Justin Timberlake for that toolbox Kevin Federline?? A retard, that's who."

As much as I doubt that any of you are going to defend the self-dubbed K-Fed (that makes me giggle!), I will assume that one of you might say, "But Maria! He is kind of cute sometimes."

To respond I have exhibit B:

I thought that this was Sean Paul the first time I looked at it, but nope! It is Britney's husband and the selected father of her (soon to be) two kids.

Could he look like more of an idiot?? ....Probably. He could be standing next to her.

Case closed.

*Do not lecture me on this use of the word retard.

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Anonymous said...

They already have 2 kids, she gave birth last week.

Maria said...

Lord help us all!

Shaun said...

i thought it was MC Hammer, "let's get this party started!"

ONLY ONE NAME JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH Acts 4:12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” said...

Jesus said,"Do not be afraid.I am the First and Last. I am the Living one;I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!And I hold the keys of death and Hades"
Revelation 1:17c-18.

Leah said...

O-M-G...I friggin LOVE this CD, too. I bought it first thing on the day it came out and Patrick was like "Do we have to listen to it?". I don't know where JT gets it from but he's a musical genius. ;)

As for Titney, she's just as much of a tool as K-Fed. At one point she was borderline cute, and now she's plain out trash. YUCK.

Now, if we could just get JT to dump Cameron I'd be just fine...

A. said...

This isn't going to go over well, but:

So many good-music-liking people I know -- people who, unlike me, actually know things about music -- *love* this guy. He can reasonably be described as a "phenomenon." Try as I might, though, I just can't see the appeal.

He used to be in a boy band and he used to date Britney Spears. That's two strikes right there, and for me the third is that his music sort of sounds like a lot of other pop music I don't like. Not that I am above pop music, just not crazy about Mr. Timberlake's particular genre of it.

However, allow me to agree enthusiastically with the title of this post. The words "retard" (as noun) and "retarded" are pretty much only acceptable in the context you provide here. I would never call someone with a legitimate mental disability a "retard" -- that word is reserved for people with normally functioning brains who nonetheless remain breathtakingly stupid.

Anonymous said...

So, I was crazy as hell and I had a crazy ass mama, huh? Did you ever happen to take a look at your pot head parents? Not only that, I wasn't the one cheating with my "best friend" in Ohio.

Maria said...


Next time you post on my site, please have the courtesy to use your name. And know this, I never cheated on you. You, however, had an extremely suspect relationship with some girl from South Africa whose name eludes me. Oh yeah, and you asked me to marry you when I was 15 years old.

Hope all is well in Wisconsin. Bumped into Graham's little brother at the bar awhile back. He said you were working as a cook at Wild Woody's. Must be exciting.

Shaun said...

Ouch, you got served!!!! It takes such a little boy to talk over the internet like that. Be a man and shut the hell up. Is your little heart still hurting? Oh well! Past is the past, or you're just obsessing over something you'll never have again, either way.......i got her now sucker!!!!!!!!