Sunday, August 06, 2006

Washington D.C.

So I am in D.C. visiting Nik and Bec and Jet and all I have to say at this point is that I freaking miss my girls! After being in Jetta's presence for about 30 seconds she was like, "So, when are you moving to D.C.?" Don't I wish I could afford to go away for grad school!? Alas, it is not so.

After dinner we went to the bars and it was fun just to kick it around town with the ladies. Nik's roommate and good friend, Soo, came out with us. Since Nik and Soo and I are all taken we had fun deflecting the guys. (And deflect them we did, Shaun!! Hahaha....) Although I have to say I missed him like CRAZY last night because we went to this club that was playing Daddy Yankee and tons of reggaeton music, (at one point the DJ was mixing Andean flute music in with the tracks and ALL I could think about was Ecuador) and I just knew that Shaun would have loved it.

Today I hung out with Bec for a while, we went to lunch at a great little Mexican place and then got some ice cream at a family style dairy place. After lunch we went back to her apartment and played with her new doggy that she adopted. Her place is really cute, all hardwood floors and lots of windows (including one in the bathroom AND one in the kitchen -- amazing!). Tomorrow she and Jetta leave to go to Puerto Rico for 10 days. After Beca's I came back to Nik's where she and Soo and Leigh proceeded to BBQ up a storm and served up a phatty meal for everyone.

Tomorrow Nik and I are going to Ozzfest (System of A Down, what?!?!) and it should be awesome. Ozzy decided to play the tour again this year and he is always entertaining, but truly the only reason we are going at all this year is because of System -- who are on the verge of becoming the greatest rock band of all time. Last time we went to System we had floor "seats" at the Palace - which are not seats at all because it's general admission -- and I think we actually scared men we were moshing so hard. No moshing this time around because we have pavillion seats, but that's cool because we can wear sandals and wear our hair down without having to worry about it getting accidentally ripped out of our scalps. It's gonna be sweet!

Now it's bedtime because I am tired as HELL. But more will follow, maybe even with pictures!

Goodnight all!

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