Thursday, August 24, 2006


Pardon the delay, dear readers. I've been rather busy.

Last weekend many months of careful planning paid off. I successfully surprised Shaun on Sunday by taking him to a Tigers game with his friends, sisters, Mom, and a good chunk of my family too! I think he was truly in shock when he saw everyone, and even though the Tigers lost we all still had a great time. Sunburn and all!

Something else that I wasn't planning on happened too. On Saturday night Kira picked me up to take me to what I thought was going to be dinner with just me and her. I was excited because I haven't seen her in about two months, (no kidding, two months!) and I was just looking forward to the two of us sharing some wine over dinner and catching up. But instead I got a surprise party too!! I also got an iPod Nano (SWEET!), some beautiful jewelry from Kathy and Shimron (thanks guys!), and my favorite perfume, Happy by Clinique, from Mom and Dad. All in all, a great weekend.

Thanks to everyone who helped with both events, and thanks to all our guests for coming, especially those who came downtown 2 nights in a row!! Also, anyone who took pictures either day please email the pics to me, only these two really turned out OK and I need more!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Woo whoo! Glad you and Shaun had a fun weekend :) Can't wait to see ya next week homie!