At first when he was thinking about joining I was really against the idea. I don't have very much confidence in our nation's leaders right now and I just felt that he was putting himself needlessly in harm's way. But what I've realized is that Jesse was already in harm's way, just by being stuck here, unhappy, and not knowing what to do with his life. It is in situations like those that people tend to make bad decisions and wind up in a world of trouble, or worse. Thinking about it like that has helped me realize that this is probably the best thing my brother has ever done with his life, and I just hope that he succeeds and is happy with his choice.
I think he'll be just fine.
I'll be praying every day that you are right. I'm just going to miss him a whole heck of a lot. Already that empty towel hook in the bathroom is twanging my heartstrings. I think he'll look mighty fine standing straight and tall and proud in a Navy uniform==he's always looked good in blue and white. :)
It was hard for me when my sister left for boot camp for the Air Force. It took a lot of getting used to. I can say that it doesn't get easier, you just adjust to it being the norm. My sister is in her third year of being in the Air Force. I wish she was here with us, but know this is something that will open so many doors in my sister's life. She has been able to visit places that she never would if she did not join. Some are not so desirable, but she can say she has the experience. I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
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