So.... What's been new? Averting further relationship crises (plural, yes), X-mas planning, promotion at work (mo' money!), X-mas shopping, a little plotting and scheming, and uh, oh yeah, some more X-mas planning.
You know. The usual.
Oh, I am also hard at work procrastinating for the GRE. (See, most people study for it, I, however, am not like most people.)
Recently I have been thinking WAY too much about (dah, dah, dah): The Future. *gasp* Namely, what exactly it is that I want to get out of my future. I think I have come to the realization that thinking too much about *GASP* THE FUTURE will only help you to totally f*ck up your present. Because then it starts raining pressure -- pressure of the "So what the hell are we gonna do with our lives?!" variety. Worse than acid rain, yick! Which is just all bad.
Sometimes I wish I could just be a little kid again. No worries, no life planning to do. Just playing with my dollhouse and reading the Little House on the Prairie books. Man, I loved those books.
1. The GRE general test is stupid. Like all standardized tests. If the schools you're considering give your GRE score that much weight, consider purchasing (or borrowing from a public library) the GRE For Dummies book. It will tell you everything you need to know and also provide helpful practice tests.
2. A couple of the friends I made in college and I have an expression that describes the feeling of unease you discuss here. We call it THE TERROR, or the T for short. The T is not your friend. Ignore him and follow your gut instead.
3. That picture is adorable and I'm pretty sure I had a plastic rainbow visor exactly like the one you are sporting there.
4. There is a deep-dish pizza and probably also a night on the town in Chicago with your name on it. Just a reminder.
I am 87% sure that the visor in this photo here was purchased for me by my Dad at the Michigan State Fair.
Little house on the Prairie is AMAZING!!
do you remember what you were doing here on this picture? I believe it was feeding a goat a bottle of milk. Even,perhaps,milking a goat
No need to think about the future.....i want to look up right before i fall to sleep for good and say, "how do i look?" Cause i know i'll always have the heart of a kid, if i stay young inside i can keep that feeling going all over.
Life is too fun to put added pressures on you. PLus, what if you say i want to do "this" before i'm 30, and you don't. Then you'll be dissapointed, so what's the point.
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