So yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. (Also my mom's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!) Shaun and I woke up at the absolutely unheard of hour of 5:oo A.M. to get ready to go downtown to the Old Shillelagh (pronounced shi-lay-lee) to start the day off right. (Well, I got up at 5, because I had do my hair and my makeup and take a shower, he slept til about 5:50.) When we got downtown at 6:45 there was a line almost down the next block to get into the bar, and it continued to grow as we waited for the doors to open. By the time we got inside and got our first beers it was about 7:30, and it was a great start to a fun day. I found out that we even made it on the morning news because Shannon called and left me a message saying, "We saw you and Shaun on TV!" We met up with Jeff at the Shillelagh and then went to the Anchor for lunch. From there we went to Gusoline Alley in Royal Oak where Shaun's cousins Matt and Nathan met up with us, then on to Renshaw's in Clawson, and then all the way out to O'Malley's in Farmington to meet up with my fam to celebrate Mom's birthday. Needless to say, it was a day of marathon like endurance.
Shaun popped right out of bed this morning, in spite of the tremendous amount of Guinness he drank yesterday, and I, the DD yesterday, was thinking, "Just 10 more minutes, just 10 more minutes of sleep and I'll be OK!!" Hahaha....
Watching Shaun, Nathan, Matt, and Jeff yesterday I realized that Irish boys are great. They don't mince words, they are adorable flirts, and they can hold their liquor (or their Guinness, as the case may be). Plus they're just cuties. Three cheers for Irish boys! (Especially mine, I love you baby, hope you had fun yesterday, cuz I sure did!!)
Look, I don't say this stuff very often because it's just not my style, but you guys are fricking adorable.
I think so too!!! It was a really fun evening for me, I know that. Thanks to everyone who helped make it so.
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