Saturday, April 08, 2006

Who Says Blondes Have More Fun?

Not me, that's for sure.


Anonymous said...

Wow that is quite a change, but I need to see more to really take it in. You are so much braver than I am, I still can't get myself to try a new color.

Shaun said...

Now i love your hair, i really do, but that picture kinda freaks me out baby!!!!!! It's as if you are a mutant and half your face is missing.

but.....i love the hair. You know i support you in everything, and i was all about you doing this too.

check my website for the picture i took on Friday that i like.


Nikki said...

cool :)

Anonymous said...


Maria said...

Holy Crap! It's still weird to catch myself in the mirror with hair this dark, but I LOVE it!! Super fun. Love you guys!