Monday, June 06, 2005


I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed because I am in a sourpuss mood today. :( Man, I would pay someone else to go to work for me right now. Any takers?? Come on, getting bitched at over the phone all day is fun!! I swear... It really is... OK, I'm lying, hence the diminutive font. I was trying to pawn off my job on someone, but apparently there are no takers, so I guess I'll just go.

What the hell is my problem this morning anyway? I like my job! (Well, sort of. OK, not really at all, but I am comforted by the fact that I am good at it, make decent money, and also that I know it is only temporary.) Plus I have four days off this weekend and some good company to look forward to!! And hopefully my bikini and a beach and some pina coladas as well, mmmmm! I will just try to ignore the fact that it is GORGEOUS outside right now -- it's a perfect Michigan summer day, right after a storm and everything -- and go back to getting ready to go to work.

The pictures are just for the hell of it.

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