Thursday, June 23, 2005


So today I finally woke up feeling like myself again. Ever since Saturday afternoon I have just felt kind of... icky. I think I wasn't sleeping enough. Plus every once in a while I go through little funks. I feel like my bod has snapped out of it, but there's something tugging at me on the inside that I have yet to figure out. An incessant amount of thinking about it hasn't seemed to help, and my journaling isn't really sussing it out either. Blech! Come on Maria, get with the program!

Yesterday I spent the whole day on my couch, watching TV and sleeping, and of course, gossiping with Nikki because she was here all day. (Check out the link on the right if you want to know more about what's up with Nikster.) You know, I have to say, that although I love men, sometimes they do things and I just want to go, "What the HELL do you think you're doing??" Like when they break it off with an amazing woman because their lives are just, "too busy right now," or when they see you in a bar and claim to have brushed shoulders with you but for some reason couldn't say hi. Crap like that is how feelings get hurt. Come on guys, honesty goes a long way -- even if it hurts in the short run, and you should always smile and say hi, it's a much better alternative than skulking away and pretending not to have seen someone.

I think maybe I should go attempt to clean my room a little bit, since there are so many clothes all over the place that I can barely see any of my furniture.

Oh, did I mention that I am ridiculously excited for the sixth Harry Potter book that is coming out in about a month?? Yea, and yesterday Nik and I checked out the trailer for the new movie in November, and all I have to say is that there are dragons. And someone dies. But I won't tell!

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