Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Smile Like You Mean It

So Shaun and I ended up going to Petoskey instead of Las Vegas. Don't ask how, but that's what we did, and we had such a great time! It thunderstormed on and off but we spent the rainy time either napping, in the Victories Casino playing $5 black jack, or in the movie theater. We also went mini-golfing and spent a good amount of time on the beach and playing frisbee in Lake Michigan. Well, Shaun played frisbee, I lobbed it through the air repeatedly making many unsuccessful and pathetic attempts to actually throw the disc to him instead of at him. We also ate some amazingly good food at this place called The Side Door Saloon, which, if any of you are contemplating a random trip to Petoskey, you should check out if you ever have the chance. Order the seafood pasta or the whitefish. Ridiculous!

The casino was pretty hilarious. Check it out here http://www.victories-casino.com/ . We walked in and Shaun said, "Holy shit! It looks like we're in someone's basement!" (A really nice, spacious basement, with a pretty rockin' blues band and some nice slot machines though.) And then he noticed the Pabst Blue Ribbon for $1.50 special. It was pretty much over from there. Let's just say that the next day when we went back the waitresses and dealers (plural, both of them) remembered us for Shaun's charisma and um, affinity for PBR. It was a total blast, plus I won $80 playing black jack (so Dad, you can be proud!).

The whole weekend was awesome, not a bad moment to be found, even with thunderstorms and sunburns! (The Pistons could have helped us start and finish it off with a bang, but I know they'll come around!!) Here are some pics above and below from the trip.

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