well obviously she was with me....duh. actually she is in my bed right now, both with smiles! Just finished a beautiful campfire and now sharing kisses. Steph, i've never met you and trust me, she had a good time!
hey this is harold i dont have a blogger website whats the difference between this and livejournal and is this the guy you been seing seems liek a cool cat
Harold, why did you post as anonymous?? You can type in your name! And, to answer your questions: the difference between Blogger and Live Journal is that BLOGGER IS WAY BETTER! Ha ha ha, and um yea, Shaun is the guy I've been dating for a couple months now. And he is a cool cat indeed, too cool for school in fact!
Oh and P.S. Are you allergic to punctuation or something?? There was not one single apostrophe, comma, period, question mark, or anything in that comment!! Hahaha, I guess your thoughts just run too quick to stop and think about punctuation.... And who the hell is Bloc Party, never heard of 'em. Later gator.
I say that I am smart, have weird toes, have an open mind and heart, and am up for a challenge. My best friends say my toes aren't that bad, I'm always there when they need me, and I'm honest. My mom says I'm just like her, except for my stubborn attitude, which she of course blames on my dad.
sounds like you had a great time! i would have called you last night, but nik said you were working. crazy hours it sounds!
well obviously she was with me....duh.
actually she is in my bed right now, both with smiles! Just finished a beautiful campfire and now sharing kisses. Steph, i've never met you and trust me, she had a good time!
hey this is harold i dont have a blogger website whats the difference between this and livejournal and is this the guy you been seing seems liek a cool cat
Harold, why did you post as anonymous?? You can type in your name! And, to answer your questions: the difference between Blogger and Live Journal is that BLOGGER IS WAY BETTER! Ha ha ha, and um yea, Shaun is the guy I've been dating for a couple months now. And he is a cool cat indeed, too cool for school in fact!
Oh and P.S. Are you allergic to punctuation or something?? There was not one single apostrophe, comma, period, question mark, or anything in that comment!! Hahaha, I guess your thoughts just run too quick to stop and think about punctuation.... And who the hell is Bloc Party, never heard of 'em. Later gator.
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