Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Fourth

Wow, I cannot believe it's the Fourth of July already. On Friday Shaun and I went to the Oakland County Fireworks at Addison Oaks County Park in BFE (actually, I think it may have been Lake Orion or something out there), and there was this little boy who kept going, "WOW!!! WHOOOAAAA!!! COOOL!!! I LOOOVE FIREWORKS!!!" every time one went off. It was hilarious. At one point he had all of us giggling because he was just so incredibly excited about the show, and Shaun said, "Can you imagine what that kid is gonna be like having sex??" Hahaha! Too funny....

Other than that, I haven't really done anything too Fourth-of-Julyish. I was remembering last year, how I had Nik and Gianny and Bri and Steph and Chris over at my house for BBQ and football and frisbee in my backyard, and how Sasha (my doggy) almost attacked Gianny when he walked in with his Panama hat on. And I think we played Uno at my kitchen table, and drank a lot of beer. Crazy how things have changed!

This weekend all I did was work. Comcast on Saturday, Gap yesterday, and today I work at Comcast for four hours (and it will be dead because people don't realize we're open 24/7). Then I think Shaun and I are going out with Shimmy and Kathy T. Shaun has gotten me all into NTN, and I think he's aching to serve me up a good butt kickin', since I beat him 4 out of 5 times last Friday! He even cheated once, but his guilt made him admit it to me as we were leaving BW3s. Hahahaha! The good thing about only working four hours was that I had a nice, relaxing morning. I sat outside in the sunshine and wrote in my journal and read (I just started Beloved, by Toni Morrison), and talked to Kira on the phone for a while. I can't believe her wedding is in less than two months!! I think the two jobs are starting to wear on me, and since lately it's been no fun at all working at the Gap, I am really considering quitting. But damn is that discount hard to let go of!


Shaun said...

okay flash...i caught Maria looking at an MSU grad school webpage today. In my mind this is the greatest sin of all, especially after graduating from UofM!!! Please post a comment with your concerns and displeasure of her even looking at a web page of Green and White. Maybe she'll then wipe her mind of any Sparty type crap.
I'm out

Anonymous said...

shaun--it's always good to know about the competition.