Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sunday Morning Over Easy

There is something about Sunday mornings that I have always loved. At my mom and dad's house Sunday morning is a time for relaxation. You can sleep late if you want to, or you can wake up and read a few pages of whatever book you're in the middle of, or maybe a magazine or a newspaper. There's always coffee, and my mom makes breakfast. BLTs are a popular menu item, or the traditional eggs-bacon-toast-hash browns meal, with OJ and milk, of course. You'll hear 94.7 FM on the radio, with their "Sunday Morning Over Easy" show that ends at noon every week with the mandatory playing of "Angelo's Restaurant." My dad will putter around in the garage or play cards online, Jesse will sleep til 2 PM, and mom will cook and read.

This Sunday morning Shaun and I went to look at a little studio apartment in Royal Oak that I/we are thinking of renting for awhile. Then we went to get coffee at Caribou and shared the paper. I was thinking it could be a start to a new Sunday morning tradition of our own. Coffee and the paper at Caribou. Sounds like a plan to me....

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