We had a kid's safety gate at the doorway so they couldn't come in, and since they are used to sleeping in there, Blanca was upset. I got up and let her outside, but that didn't seem to be the problem, because the whining and whimpering and occasional barking and scratching at the baby gate continued with renewed vigor. (ODF #2, you have to get out of bed in the middle of the night in Michigan in the winter so that they don't shit and piss all over your house. We don't even do that with human children, they wear diapers.)
After another 30 minutes of moaning and whining and running back and forth between the front door and the bedroom door I thought, "well, maybe she still has to go," so I let her out again. She squatted 3 times before coming to the door, so I figured, "three times ought to just about cover it." On the way back to the bedroom I made sure she had water and that her bed and her cuddly guys were all there, and I showed her where we'd moved it to (out in the front room, with the other dog, who was becoming more and more awake every time I got up), just in case she'd failed to notice it there the 3,795 times she'd already walked by it. But she looked at me as if to say, "What? Are you retarded? That's not my bed. You're in my bed."
I went back and crawled back into bed with Shaun, but I was wide awake at that point. He was snoring, which I was glad to hear, because it meant that at least one of u

As for that epic battle between cats and dogs, it is now abundantly clear to me that cats win, hands down, no contest. Cats are aloof, self sufficient, they make you earn their love, and they are fickle with it once it's been granted. A cat would never wake you up to make you let it outside in the middle of the night, it would just pad on over to its litter box, do its business, and then come cuddle with you again. When they make noise, it's quiet. Have you ever heard a neighbor complain about how your cat's purring is just keeping them all awake at night?? Um, no.

I miss my favorite cat of all time, Rosco. Dad brought him home from up north. He went hunting with Tony and they stopped at an Amish farm on the way back. Tony took one kitten, which Carrie and Nick named Ace, and we got one of his brothers, who turned out to be Rosco. He was sooooo cool! Unfortunately, he died when I was 14, and we haven't had another cat since, but I can't wait for Shaun and I to get a kitten when we get a place together. I put some pictures up of him, sleeping in an empty box under the Christmas tree, trying to eat my goldfish out of the bowl in my room, and then generally just looking cool. The last two are double exposed pics so they might look a little funny, but he was a funny cat.
Boooooo cats! :) They're no fun!
You can't teach a cat to play fetch. You can't teach a cat to give you "5". You can't take a cat for a nice walk. Hell, a cat won't even come when it's called! And let's not even start on the whole loyalty and protection thing. Would a cat fight to the death to protect you from an invaider? Would a cat come to your rescue when you're scared because you hear a noise in the middle of the night? NO!
Dogs rule! :) (I am not biased in any way, shape or form, either...but seriously, how can you say that when you've seen pictures of Cody Coppo?? ;0) )
Love ya!
Oh Boy! Fetch? Yeah that's fun, let's throw something and have it brought back only to hear begging to throw it again. What kind of dumb animal just chases a stick anyway? A dog! Hey, if you like having a kid(dog) and having to do all the b.s, giving them baths, picking up shit, spending massive amounts of money on food cause they eat way more than cats, of and did i forget the fun walks(i bet those are fun in the winter!)
I guess i'll stick with my self-cleaning kitty, quiet, and which actually believe it or not does play fetch.
Dog - 0 Cat - 10
Cat wins!!!!!
and, cats do come when they are called! Every night out cat Duce goes outside but if we call him in he comes bounding through the door...unless he's on a secret spy mission in another neighborhood prowling the streets with his cat possy....
Wow, I can see I sparked an emotional debate here. Leah, I know you are a dog lover, especially when it comes to Cody, but I just can't help it. I am much more of a cat person. Just that dog smell that gets stuck on your hands after you pet them -- or worse, they lick you, ew! -- it's enough to make me a cat person for life! But cats are just awesome! A feeble defense, I know, but it's just how I feel. Hahaha....
I love both cats and dogs, too bad I am allergic to cats. I have to say they both have positives and negatives.
I don't like dogs that drool and the smelly issues can be dealt with with some extra bath time, some dogs just need to have more naths than others. Cute lil fuzzy dogs are my favorite. I hope to get one that looks like an ewok when I turn 30 :)
Cats are cool, but the whole licking themselves kinda creeps me out. I used to have a neighbor with this cool cat that I would house sit. I used to be able to let it outside and tell it to come to my porch if it wanted back in. And it did, every time! It was cool to find this cat on my porch waiting for me to walk it across the street to its home.
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