Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Jesse!

Happy 21st Birthday to my not-so-little-anymore Little Bro. Lord help us all, he's 21! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I must say that Steve Williams makes beautiful children!! Maybe I helped a little. But boy oh boy, those 21 years have sure flown by--SOMEBODY, no names mentioned, sure must have been having fun! Congrats on #21 Jesse--you're legal at last.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I love that picture of you guys where you are holding him when he was a baby. That is just too cute!

Shaun said...

happy bday hommie, put two bills down a g-string for me! HO!

Anonymous said...

happy belated, jesse. i can't believe how time has flown by...
hope it was great!

~steph :o)