It's official. I love Project Runway almost as much as I love Sex & the City. I say almost because, for me, Sex will always be the greatest TV show of all time. But I digress.
With the evolution of reality television and its launch into orbit around the world, the quality has -- of course -- diminished significantly. I remember watching The Real World on MTV before you had to be a model who would make out with all your roommates after knowing them for 4.8 seconds. The first 3 seasons were actually an interesting social experiment. Bring a group of people together that would otherwise probably not meet each other and see how they might influence each other's lives. Now it's just total shite.
Project Runway is the only reality show that I watch, and I LOVE it. Shaun has been good enough to put up with my *having* to watch it every Wednesday (don't worry baby, I will remember this when I have to watch football so you can check your fantasy players' stats or whatever the hell). Last week I was truly and seriously pissed about who got kicked off (I am still in shock) and I was actually yelling profanities at the television set.
I think I like the show so much because the contestants actually have to have talent, genuine talent, in order to succeed. And it gives me good fashion tips. Plus I like seeing what Heidi's going to wear each week. But anyways. I actually know some men, heterosexual men at that, who do enjoy the show, although I will allow them to remain nameless in order to avoid being lambasted for liking a *gasp* FASHION show!! Hahahaha.... Well at least between PR and Entourage I have 1.5 solid hours of TV that I love each week. Now I just need Nip/Tuck to come back!!