Monday, May 01, 2006

Fun Weekend

So this weekend was pretty fun. Friday night Linda and Kathy and I went to Roosevelt's in Farmington and ended up getting hit on by the three strangest guys ever. One was tall and skinny with a mouth full of braces who opened the conversation with the classic line, "I almost went to Arizona State,"and two were short -- one with a gigantic noggin and the other with some *huge* glasses that magnified his eyes to about 4x the normal size. Their names were Mike, Mike, and Pat. After a few minutes of politely chatting with them, Kathy mentioned our boyfriends, hoping that would drive them away. But no! That only prompted the tall one to begin complaining about his girlfriend, who was apparently hanging out with some other dude that night. It took us what seemed like FOREVER to get them to leave, and afterwards the bartender came over to us to ask if it had been as bad as it looked from far away. "Yes," we replied in unison, "it was." I must say that it was entertaining though. It's not often you get to see three products of inbreeding that close up.

On Saturday I went to Beth's bridal shower and got to hang out with the ladies of Shaun's family without him around, which was kind of neat. I really love that I genuinely get along with them, especially since I have never, ever dated a guy with sisters before. We had good food at Olive Garden and had fun watching Beth open her presents. She is going to be such a beautiful bride! After the shower I went home to take a nap before meeting up with Shaun and some of his friends from Art Van at the Blarney Stone in Royal Oak.

Yesterday was spent cleaning my room before heading out to Ann Arbor to see Lys since she is in town for her little sister's graduation from U of M. (Holy crap!) I realized that it had been THREE YEARS since we'd seen each other, and it was SO nice just to grab a beer and catch up on old times. Shaun came with and I think he was truly and deeply impressed by the beer selection at Ashley's pub in Ann Arbor. We even stole a pint glass to add to his growing collection! Hooray for big purses.

Anyways, today it's back to work after a lovely three day weekend. It's nice that I only have to work four days before I get two more off again.

Are you people who read this still alive?? I haven't had a comment in eons.


Shaun said...

don't beg for comments you know people check it look at your log of hits at the bottom!!!!

Anonymous said...

For the past few months I have been living an interesting life vicariously through your blog.

Leah said...

It sounds like you had a great relaxing weekend, and with as much as you work, you definitely deserved it.

I'll be home in a month for Doug's graduation. We should make plans to go out one night. I can be your personal designated driver! :)

Anonymous said...

HEY! Some people have glasses that make their eyes 4x the normal size. We're not inbred ... just a little different. We can't help it! Besides if we ever go to a sporting event and get bad seats it doesn't matter. Depending on the prescription, some of us can see the game from the parking lot.

Maria said...

Matty, I did not mean to suggest that Pat was inbred simply because he had some Coke bottle lenses. It was rather his behavior and the fact that he attempted to impress three hot ass chicks by telling us all about how he works for Guardian Alarm, and makes $400 a job, and sometimes does as many as 3 jobs in a day, which is, like, almost $1000 a day. (Get it? $400 x 3 = $1200? His math was off... by A LOT. Hence, he was retarded.) Besides, you wear your contacts most of the time anyway. Plus the rest of you is absolutely normal, whereas this guys was also a midget. He probably had webbed toes too. My point? He was just frickin' weird, even without the glasses -- they just magnified the weirdness.

I should beg for comments more often.

Anonymous said...

STARTER, tsa, tsa, tsa, tsa, da, da, STARTER!

Soooo good to see you! I had a blast!


Anonymous said...

I am reminded of a line from 'Hot Shots',
"Playing to lose is like sleeping with your sister. Sure she's a great piece of tail with a blouse full of goodies, but it's just illegal. Then you get into that whole inbred thing. Kids with no teeth who do nothing but play the banjo... eat apple sauce through a straw... pork farm animals ..." I guess you can add to that, " ... hang out at Roosevelt's in Farmington"

P.S. I know I'm not inbred or retarded ... just a little "special".