Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I am so tired that my brain has become incapable of making sense.

While editing my resume and listening to Pulp Fiction play in the background (the actual movie, not the soundtrack), it ocurred to me that I should update my blog. What to discuss though? I've thought about a lot of things today. For example, I think Tavis Smiley and Bill Maher are right about black men in America when they say that they have generally shitty role models in rappers and pro-athletes. Most young black men will never grow up to be rappers or athletes, they should dream about growing up to be teachers and journalists and doctors and lawyers. Boring? Maybe. But real and achieveable? Definitely.

Also, I think that Ralph Fiennes is my favorite actor of all time. The English Patient is in HBO On Demand right now and I still cry every time I watch it. Although I also think that Christian Bale deserves more credit, Ewan McGregor is the shiznit, and Jamie Foxx is still loveable in spite of having made Stealth. (I mean c'mon Jamie, you need to fire your agent over that one -- seriously, seriously awful. And I didn't even see it.) And I think I have a non-lesbianesque crush on Natalie Portman, because she is outstanding in V for Vendetta. (Which, incidentally, the New York Times completely trashed, but I think is excellent.)

Or, I could think about how pretty soon I get to headbang with Nikki at the SOAD concert in DC in August.

I can't wait to move in with Shaun. (I promise I'll keep my headbanging to the car baby.)

Chocolate sounds stellar right now, but alas I have none. *sniff sniff*

Hopefully I get the job with the United Way, or at least a job as somebody's personal houseplant waterer, because every day when I come home from work all I want to do is stab myself in the eye with a pen repeatedly.

I think I have to sneeze.
Nope. I don't.

Summer could not possibly take any longer to get here.

I apologize if there are type-os.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

you're applying for a job with United Way? Cool!