So tonight I got out of work a little earlier than usual (11:00 instead of the standard 12:30) and I came home and promptly ran myself a hot bubblebath. I opened up a new book, The Time Traveler's Wife, and started to read and before I knew it the clock said 1:52 AM and I was on page 110. The bathwater was significantly cooler and my toes were wrinkled beyond all recognition. Man did I need a good soak.
I was looking in the mirror in the bathroom after I let the water drain from the tub and my cheeks were so rosy. My mom always comments on that, about how my cheeks would always redden up after having a bath as a little girl. I've got pictures, which my modesty will not allow me to publish here, of myself in the tub at various ages during my youth and it's true, the rosiest of cheeks indeed. It's odd how I can remember things from being a kid, but I will never be able to know myself as a 7 year old. All I have are splotchy memories pieced together from the depths of my brain and stories told to me by others -- and photos of course.
In the book that I am reading a woman named Clare is married to a man named Henry who happens to be a time traveler. He has no control over his travels and just sort of ends up places. They meet for the first time twice -- once when she is six and he shows up as a 36 year old man in her backyard, and once when she is 20 and he is 28 and in his present working as a librarian. So far my favorite thing about the story is that he gets to know her, to see her, as a child. To see her as a curious six year old practicing her penmanship, as a determined 12 year old learning to play chess, as a 16 year old learning about men. It's something I've wondered about every person I love now that I never knew as a kid -- What were you like? Certain details you could get from mere observation that might otherwise escape you for your entire life with a person. Or things that are so a part of who you are that they were there, in your character, when you were seven, just as much as they are now, when you are 28. Things like my rosy cheeks. And my love of baths. And books.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Some Reasons Why...
I love Ewan McGregor.
1. Trainspotting, the best of the drug movies. It's like you know exactly what it would be like to have to kick a heroin habit, which makes you damn sure you never want to start one -- just in case you ever had any thoughts about giving it a try.
2. His to die for Scottish accent. Yes it's pathetic and classically American to be turned on by it, but I love it nevertheless.
3. He sings in movies but hasn't released a single or made an album or pretended to be a rock star like Jared Leto, Keanu Reeves, or Russell Crowe.
4. That series on Bravo, Long Way Round, where he and a buddy drove their fricking motorcycles across Europe through Asia over to Alaska (via plane) down through Canada across the U.S. and into New York City. Go here to learn more about it, or to get good gift ideas for yours truly.
5. He got to be Obi Wan Kenobe.
There are more, of course, but these will suffice for now....
P.S. If any of the ladies are hankering for a girls night, I think next weekend would be a most opportune time.
1. Trainspotting, the best of the drug movies. It's like you know exactly what it would be like to have to kick a heroin habit, which makes you damn sure you never want to start one -- just in case you ever had any thoughts about giving it a try.
2. His to die for Scottish accent. Yes it's pathetic and classically American to be turned on by it, but I love it nevertheless.
3. He sings in movies but hasn't released a single or made an album or pretended to be a rock star like Jared Leto, Keanu Reeves, or Russell Crowe.
4. That series on Bravo, Long Way Round, where he and a buddy drove their fricking motorcycles across Europe through Asia over to Alaska (via plane) down through Canada across the U.S. and into New York City. Go here to learn more about it, or to get good gift ideas for yours truly.
5. He got to be Obi Wan Kenobe.
There are more, of course, but these will suffice for now....
P.S. If any of the ladies are hankering for a girls night, I think next weekend would be a most opportune time.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
A Great Weekend
Well I have to say that if I had to pick a way to spend my weekend after working a 60+ hour week that I would spend it exactly as I did this last one. On Saturday night after a little 6 hour shift at the Gap Shaun and I went to go see Altar Boyz at the City Theater downtown. (It's inside the Hockeytown Cafe, very small.) Dr. Berman gave the tix to my mom and she gave them to Shaun and I and we had so much fun! The show is somewhat of a spoof of boy bands and Catholicism, but ultimately it had really good messages about friendship, perseverence, faith, and so on. The five guys in the group are Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan, and Abraham. My favorite little diddy from the show was no doubt the love ballad entitled, "Girl, You Make Me Wanna Wait." It's playing til December and tickets start at about $25, if you need something funny to do some night you should go, very worth it!
There were a couple of odd things that happened at the show though. While we were reading the program before everything started an older couple came and sat down in front of us. The man was probably in his late 50s and he was going bald -- which made it very easy to see that he had a bunch of drywall nails sticking out of his head. At first we just saw the two that were on the crown of his head, and then when he turned we noticed two more up in the front! It was SO STRANGE! To me they did not look like they were in his actual scalp, but Shaun says they were. I just kinda figured that he was putzing around in the garage waiting for his wife to get ready and accidentally bumped a shelf and some drywall nails fell into his hair.... Except they were pretty put in their place, not going anywhere if you know what I mean. So who knows, maybe he was using them to keep his hair piece in place. The other weird thing was a woman behind me who kept belching -- and I mean belching. At one point I started leaning forward in my chair because I was afraid she was about to earl all over the back of my head!! Nasty!!!
After the show on Saturday we had a drink at Hockeytown, and then went back to Shaun's place where we watched "Fever Pitch" with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon. What a cute movie! I actually cried too, which Shaun teased me for (pretty ridiculous I'll admit), and then we went to bed.
On Sunday I woke up with no clue of what was in store for me for the entire day. I thought it was going to be a lazy Sunday, but Shaun had other plans! First he took to me lunch at this AMAZING restaurant in Rochester called Kruse and Muer (you should go!) where we ate like kings. Then we walked around downtown Rochester for a little while and window shopped for art neither of us can afford! Then we went to visit his mom for a little while and looked at some pictures from Chad and Kristina's engagement dinner. After that Shaun took me to Yates Cider Mill in Rochester (I think) where he got a fresh donut and I got a caramel apple (yum!) and we shared some cider. The cider mill is really nice but it was *so* busy yesterday! I think I will have to take him to the Franklin Cider Mill next weekend. Then we went home, I took a nap because I was pooped, and Shaun watched the end of the longest playoff game in Major League baseball history (18 freaking innings!). When I woke up it was off to Birmingham to go see the movie "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds (a.k.a. Van Wilder). And we finished the night off at The Blarney Stone, where we are quickly becoming regulars.
All in all, a great day -- but next time we go somewhere in public that has seating we are waiting for everyone else to sit down first. Then we'll pick our seats. At the movie we sat down in an empty area, only to have a couple with an infant in a stroller sit down in front of us -- at an R rated movie, at 9:30 at night. When Shaun and I very clearly had looks of, "Oh great, a crying baby, just what we wanted to sit through!" the dad turned and smiled and said, "Don't worry, he doesn't wake up." Oh yeah? Wanna bet?? When that surround sound hits those speakers, that baby is gonna be wailing. I should have bet him, cuz I'd have won. Then a group of teenage boys sat down behind us who repeated every punchline of every joke in the movie, and walked all over the back of my chair with their boots. Awesome!
On the way home I just couldn't help thinking how lucky I am. Thanks to my baby for taking me out and showing me such a great time on my day off after a loooong week. I love you!!
There were a couple of odd things that happened at the show though. While we were reading the program before everything started an older couple came and sat down in front of us. The man was probably in his late 50s and he was going bald -- which made it very easy to see that he had a bunch of drywall nails sticking out of his head. At first we just saw the two that were on the crown of his head, and then when he turned we noticed two more up in the front! It was SO STRANGE! To me they did not look like they were in his actual scalp, but Shaun says they were. I just kinda figured that he was putzing around in the garage waiting for his wife to get ready and accidentally bumped a shelf and some drywall nails fell into his hair.... Except they were pretty put in their place, not going anywhere if you know what I mean. So who knows, maybe he was using them to keep his hair piece in place. The other weird thing was a woman behind me who kept belching -- and I mean belching. At one point I started leaning forward in my chair because I was afraid she was about to earl all over the back of my head!! Nasty!!!
After the show on Saturday we had a drink at Hockeytown, and then went back to Shaun's place where we watched "Fever Pitch" with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon. What a cute movie! I actually cried too, which Shaun teased me for (pretty ridiculous I'll admit), and then we went to bed.
On Sunday I woke up with no clue of what was in store for me for the entire day. I thought it was going to be a lazy Sunday, but Shaun had other plans! First he took to me lunch at this AMAZING restaurant in Rochester called Kruse and Muer (you should go!) where we ate like kings. Then we walked around downtown Rochester for a little while and window shopped for art neither of us can afford! Then we went to visit his mom for a little while and looked at some pictures from Chad and Kristina's engagement dinner. After that Shaun took me to Yates Cider Mill in Rochester (I think) where he got a fresh donut and I got a caramel apple (yum!) and we shared some cider. The cider mill is really nice but it was *so* busy yesterday! I think I will have to take him to the Franklin Cider Mill next weekend. Then we went home, I took a nap because I was pooped, and Shaun watched the end of the longest playoff game in Major League baseball history (18 freaking innings!). When I woke up it was off to Birmingham to go see the movie "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds (a.k.a. Van Wilder). And we finished the night off at The Blarney Stone, where we are quickly becoming regulars.
All in all, a great day -- but next time we go somewhere in public that has seating we are waiting for everyone else to sit down first. Then we'll pick our seats. At the movie we sat down in an empty area, only to have a couple with an infant in a stroller sit down in front of us -- at an R rated movie, at 9:30 at night. When Shaun and I very clearly had looks of, "Oh great, a crying baby, just what we wanted to sit through!" the dad turned and smiled and said, "Don't worry, he doesn't wake up." Oh yeah? Wanna bet?? When that surround sound hits those speakers, that baby is gonna be wailing. I should have bet him, cuz I'd have won. Then a group of teenage boys sat down behind us who repeated every punchline of every joke in the movie, and walked all over the back of my chair with their boots. Awesome!
On the way home I just couldn't help thinking how lucky I am. Thanks to my baby for taking me out and showing me such a great time on my day off after a loooong week. I love you!!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Order Porn and Be Proud
Yep, you heard me. Every once in a while a little bit o porn might do a person good. Let me explain.... Some of my favorite -- yet truly obnoxious -- customers at Comcast are the ones who order assloads of porno through pay-per-view and then get their absurd cable bills in the mail and call us up to deny it. The excuses we get are classic.
Completely ridiculous: "Well my 2 year old was playing with the remote and he must have accidentally ordered the movies."
Oh really? All 6 of them? Do you have any idea the number of steps involved in ordering a porn through your cable box? You have to go to the channel, use the arrow buttons on your remote to select the option to buy, press OK to confirm the buy -- 6 times, with no accidental purchases of The Spongebob Squarepants movie. Your toddler is one dextrous and horny little dude!!
Even more absurd: "Well I know that neither my husband nor my father in law who lives with me nor my teenage son would ever look at anything like that, we're Christians you know!"
Yeah, and Christians gotta get some too. It's always the Christians that like that freaky shit. You better tend to your husband, or he's gonna tend to himself. Or worse -- get someone from his bible study class to take care of his needs. As for horny father in law and teenager, it's called parental controls. Put a pin number on there. Say it with me now, pa-rent-al con-trols!
The all-time stupidest excuse I've ever heard: "All these movies are ordered in the middle of the night, when my boyfriend and I are asleep. I think the maintenance man from my apartment complex must be breaking into my apartment and ordering them at night. What do you expect me to do about that, it's not my fault!!"
Well first of all, you should probably call the police, cuz if the maintenance dude has broken into your crib 15 of the last 27 nights, you have a real problem on your hands. Secondly, you should probably move, cuz any apartment complex that employs a man both desperate enough and horny enough to risk his job, his freedom, and potentially his life just so he can jack off on your couch to some crappy porn, is probably not a place you want to live. Which brings me to number three, buy a new couch, cuz the current one's got some new mileage on it that you didn't put there. And finally, and most importantly, four: quit taking the sleeping pills so that when your man wakes up in the middle of the night looking for some love, he can just roll over in the comfort of his bed, instead of having to get up and go to some couch and hang out with Rightina, wishing his girlfriend wasn't semi-comatose.
I once had a customer who averaged $500 a MONTH in adult PPV charges. Dude, go to the store and BUY THE VIDEOS! Quit wasting all your damn money! Another time I had a gentleman ask me just how hardcore, on a scale of one to ten, was the programming on the Spice channel. Some people are adult about it, but most people are just rying to deny it to get out of having to pay for it. So to them I dedicate this entry and I say: If you're gonna order porn, then order porn and be proud. I don't care what you and Miss Michigan are doing in the middle of the night -- or day! Just quit being a whiny baby about having to pay for it. At the end of the day it's cheaper than having a girlfriend anyway, so shut the hell up.
Completely ridiculous: "Well my 2 year old was playing with the remote and he must have accidentally ordered the movies."
Oh really? All 6 of them? Do you have any idea the number of steps involved in ordering a porn through your cable box? You have to go to the channel, use the arrow buttons on your remote to select the option to buy, press OK to confirm the buy -- 6 times, with no accidental purchases of The Spongebob Squarepants movie. Your toddler is one dextrous and horny little dude!!
Even more absurd: "Well I know that neither my husband nor my father in law who lives with me nor my teenage son would ever look at anything like that, we're Christians you know!"
Yeah, and Christians gotta get some too. It's always the Christians that like that freaky shit. You better tend to your husband, or he's gonna tend to himself. Or worse -- get someone from his bible study class to take care of his needs. As for horny father in law and teenager, it's called parental controls. Put a pin number on there. Say it with me now, pa-rent-al con-trols!
The all-time stupidest excuse I've ever heard: "All these movies are ordered in the middle of the night, when my boyfriend and I are asleep. I think the maintenance man from my apartment complex must be breaking into my apartment and ordering them at night. What do you expect me to do about that, it's not my fault!!"
Well first of all, you should probably call the police, cuz if the maintenance dude has broken into your crib 15 of the last 27 nights, you have a real problem on your hands. Secondly, you should probably move, cuz any apartment complex that employs a man both desperate enough and horny enough to risk his job, his freedom, and potentially his life just so he can jack off on your couch to some crappy porn, is probably not a place you want to live. Which brings me to number three, buy a new couch, cuz the current one's got some new mileage on it that you didn't put there. And finally, and most importantly, four: quit taking the sleeping pills so that when your man wakes up in the middle of the night looking for some love, he can just roll over in the comfort of his bed, instead of having to get up and go to some couch and hang out with Rightina, wishing his girlfriend wasn't semi-comatose.
I once had a customer who averaged $500 a MONTH in adult PPV charges. Dude, go to the store and BUY THE VIDEOS! Quit wasting all your damn money! Another time I had a gentleman ask me just how hardcore, on a scale of one to ten, was the programming on the Spice channel. Some people are adult about it, but most people are just rying to deny it to get out of having to pay for it. So to them I dedicate this entry and I say: If you're gonna order porn, then order porn and be proud. I don't care what you and Miss Michigan are doing in the middle of the night -- or day! Just quit being a whiny baby about having to pay for it. At the end of the day it's cheaper than having a girlfriend anyway, so shut the hell up.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
I ♥ Jack White
Nikki, my road dawg, I love you so much for taking me to see The White Stripes for my birthday!!! On Friday night Nik and I went down to the Masonic Temple Theater where we were forced to pay $20 to park my car. I
mean come on. $20?! I think I may need to get into the parking lot game downtown, make my millions taking advantage of the white folks from the burbs that are afraid to park their cars on the wild streets of the Dirty Dirty D. Anyway, moving on. We got there at about 8:30 and at 8:40 Jack and Meg took the stage. The show was over by 10:15, but it was incredible!! Jack played so many instruments, all his guitars, a mandolin, a xylophone, the piano -- and of course he sang. The next time they come to town I will definitely have some front row (or near front row) seats! I bought a tee shirt and Nik got some crazy holographic postcards that were pretty sweet. They had a poster but it was sold out by the time we got up to the window. I think they do a similar kind of thing as Pearl Jam and make a unique, individual poster for every show they do. It woulda been cool to get one, but there's always next time!
Jack ripped it up and played two of my all time fave Stripes songs, Ball and a Biscuit and Red Rain, both bluesier songs that he jammed out on. Matty Matt and I always go back and forth about the Stripes because he claims to just not get the music. (Right Matt?!) But I say what's not to get? It just plain rocks! (Oh and Meg was awesome too, although she is so skinny she looks like she's 12.)
After the concert Nik and I went down to the Anchor Bar for the second night in a row and met up with Elin and a couple of her boy toys. Then Shaun and his cousins came down and eventually Gianny made it there too. Everyone else peaced out around 1:30 but Shaun and his cousins took me with them to the MGM Casino where I proceeded to win everybody a lot of money at the craps table on my inaugural roll, and then lose everybody a lot of money on my follow up. But I came out $12 on top, so Shaun and I got some White Castle on the way home. All in all, it was a great night. I love Jack White, but I love Shaun more. (Wink!) My baby....

Jack ripped it up and played two of my all time fave Stripes songs, Ball and a Biscuit and Red Rain, both bluesier songs that he jammed out on. Matty Matt and I always go back and forth about the Stripes because he claims to just not get the music. (Right Matt?!) But I say what's not to get? It just plain rocks! (Oh and Meg was awesome too, although she is so skinny she looks like she's 12.)

After the concert Nik and I went down to the Anchor Bar for the second night in a row and met up with Elin and a couple of her boy toys. Then Shaun and his cousins came down and eventually Gianny made it there too. Everyone else peaced out around 1:30 but Shaun and his cousins took me with them to the MGM Casino where I proceeded to win everybody a lot of money at the craps table on my inaugural roll, and then lose everybody a lot of money on my follow up. But I came out $12 on top, so Shaun and I got some White Castle on the way home. All in all, it was a great night. I love Jack White, but I love Shaun more. (Wink!) My baby....
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