Thursday, August 02, 2007

Technology Overload

So in the past few days I've gotten my new computer and my new digital camera in the mail, and I just cannot stop playing around with them! (Add my iPod into the mix, and it's full on technology overload.) I'd forgotten how nice it is to have my own computer, and boy is it a nice computer! I'm also looking forward to having some great opportunities to use the camera, but I need to buy a bigger memory card for it so that it will hold more pictures.

Tonight I went to a meeting of the Southfield Historical Society with Steph and her mom. I've lived here all my life and never knew that Southfield had an historical society, and its very own history museum. There was some interesting stuff in the museum too, including some school registers from 1895 that Steph and I had a good time looking through. Orthography was listed as a subject, and I had no idea what that was until Steph's mom told us that it's the study of handwriting. Which probably explains why every page in the book looked like it had been written by a calligrapher.

Maybe the next post will contain pictures. For now I'm gonna go back to playing around with my brand spanking new computer!

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