"I think I'll have a glass of water.... Or a White Russian."
I think it was about 11 AM at that point. She chose a White Russian.
My favorite part of the movie is near the end, when their buddy has died of a heart attack and been cremated. (Haha, I just read that sentence back, and it sounds terrible, that my favorite part is when a guy dies, but hey, that's how it came out so I'm leaving it!) They take the coffee can full of his ashes up to a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and after waxing poetic in a eulogy that unneccessarily contains a ton of stuff about Vietnam, they throw his ashes off the cliff -- and the wind blows them right back into The Dude's face. To me, it is one of the purest moments of comedic genius ever captured on film.
The Dude abides, and so do I. Long live Lebowski!
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