Lately I've been listening to a lot of music and watching a lot of movies and trying to figure out what exactly I might want in a man. 1 and 2 are generally easier to deal with. I've had "De Stijl" (The White Stripes) and Joss Stone's new one on repeat for the last two days. Both are worth purchasing immediately, if you like that kind of thing.
As for movies, I watched "Strange Days" (Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Lewis, Angela Bassett), "The Tesseract" (Jonathan Rhys Meyers, yum!), "Domino" (Keira Knightly, and not nearly as terrible as everyone made it out to be), and "Reality Bites" (twice). Throw in many, many episodes of Sex and the City, both from HBO On Demand and from the DVDs I snagged from Kira's house last weekend, and the 4 newspapers I read from front to back on Sunday and Monday, and you've pretty much got my weekend all wrapped up.
As for the whole man issue, I think I've decided that I need to just be solo for awhile. My love life is such a disaster area it should have giant orange construction barrels around it -- complete with the flashing lights on top. For now I am just going to concentrate on saving my money, kicking it with the homies, and having a good summer. I'm hoping that everything else will just figure itself out. Wish me luck, eh?
Buried somewhere on the special features of the Reality Bites DVD, there is an interview where somebody -- I think it's Ben Stiller -- says you can accurately guess the age of a girl by her reaction to the end of the movie. If she gets all misty-eyed and says How dreamy, she must be younger than 22, because every girl older than 22 has experienced a guy just like Ethan Hawke's character, and they know he is bad, bad news and no one should date him.
An informal survey of my friends at age 23 (just after I'd seen the movie for the first time since I was 13) strongly supported this hypothesis.
I haven't seen that movie. I'm tempted to see it. Going with the flow and kicking it with your homies sounds like the perfect solution. Good luck. Summer makes everything seem so much better.
are you still interested in going bike riding on monday maybe?
a. -- I must say this theory is quite intriguing. Somehow though, even though I know how miserable it would end up, part of me still wants that guy - minus the somewhat greasy hair.
I like the guitar playing. I did once date someone similar to his character, except he played video games instead of the guitar, and he did, in fact, turn out to be very bad news. I think I much prefer Ethan Hawke's character in "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset" - minus that whole married-with-a-kid thing in the latter of those two. And the face that my brother's name is Jesse. That would be awkward and terrible.
a margarita -- I cannot *believe* that you have never seen "Reality Bites"! Go to Blockbuster immediately. Seriously, stop reading this and go.
stephie -- Yes, Kensington sounds like a plan on Monday. I am going to the Tigers game with Jeff & Kira & Co. on Sunday night but I will drink light and avoid being hungover. How's noon sound??
maria search youtube for a pearl jam yellow ledbetter video where a guy tries to understand what he says its funny
Noon sounds ok (as long as it's not raining cats & dogs). How do I see who views my page on this blogger thing? Haven't had time to figure it out myself. :P
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