Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mickey D's

This morning Shaun decided to stop at McDonald's on the way to work. The McDonald's we stopped at is one we usually skip, seeing as how they f*ck up the order 92% of the time, but since it is the most strategically located McDonald's in relation to Shaun's office, that's where he pulled in. His order was simple, a medium OJ and one hash brown. Finito. The ordering conversation went as follows:

McD: Can I take your order?

Shaun: Yeah, I'll have a medium OJ and a hash brown please.

McD: Is that an orange juice or an orange drink?

Shaun: Juice.
(At this point a small OJ order is showing on the screen, in spite of the fact that he ordered a medium.)

McD: And what else?

Shaun: A hash brown.

McD: Would you like sauce with that?
(At this point I giggle because who orders sauce with a freaking hash brown, which, incidentally, is still not appearing on the order screen.)

Shaun: No, just the hash brown.

McD: Did you say a breakfast burrito?
(Now I'm giggling again because it is clear that this person is an idiot in the best kind of way, namely one that will provide me with entertainment.)

Shaun: No, I said a hash brown. (Enunciating perfectly the two syllables that form HASH BROWN.)

McD: Is what you're ordering a sandwich, because I don't know what that is...?

Shaun: (Yelling at the order microphone) A HASH BROWN!!!

Finally his order appeared on the screen, still showing a small OJ instead of a medium, but I don't think he wanted to press his luck at that point. I was giggling so hard I was in tears until we pulled back out onto 14 Mile Rd. It was hilarious. Whether or not you'll be able to appreciate the humor from my retelling of the story remains to be seen, but take my word for it, it was hysterical.

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