Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Even better than the real thing

So my weekend went by WAY too fast, like usual. I put in a nice little 9 hour day at the Gap on Saturday, which I have to say was killer on my feet. On Sunday I went to see the movie "Crash" with Matty Matt and I will recommend it to everyone. It was written and directed by the same man who wrote "Million Dollar Baby" and it has very sharp and thought provoking things to say about race relations in the United States, but especially in L.A., where it takes place. You should see it! (That and "Revenge of the Sith," which I am embarassed to say almost made me cry.... I know, I know, I'm a dork!)

I've gotta say that I've been doing a lot of thinking about men lately, and I think that no matter how hard I endeavor to understand them, I will just never really be able to. It's amazing how foreign a person you've known for years can suddenly seem, and how familiar a person you've just met can become in a matter of days. Family members too. Sometimes I feel like my dad and baby bro are so different from the men I've known all my life. It's amazing how men can surprise you....

So it's less than two weeks to Las Vegas, assuming that everything remains kosher with the plan. There may be some issues with the request to take time off of work, so keep your fingers crossed that it all works out OK!

Final thought: is thinking about being in love better than actually being in love? When you just think about it and dream about it and wonder, "Could I love this person?" you never think about all the bad shit that will eventually happen in any relationship. The anticipation makes it so great, but you really never know what the hell is going to happen after you manage to squeeze out those three not-so-little words in the dark with your heart pounding in your ears because you don't know if you'll hear it in return. So it's kind of like a leap off a cliff... or a waterfall.

Man I am rambling. It is so bedtime.

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