So today my adorable mother came to me with a look of concern on her face and said, "So Maria, do you think you really ought to
swear on your blog?"
To which I replied, "Aw shit mama, it's no big deal!" I was joking of course, but she shook her head in quiet disapproval anyway, probably thinking something like,
I've raised a vulgar little girl with a mouth like a sailor. Fuckin' A right! (Another joke mom!) Next comes the tattoo of a half naked lady on my forearm that jiggles and wiggles when I flex.
So today I received an email that had a link to the Michigan Sex Offender registry on it. Although I am opposed to the idea of a sex offender registry I decided to punch in my zip code just to see how many names came up. About 50. Which was less that I thought it would be. Now, you may disagree with me on this one (and please, do let me know, but no swearing!!), but I think that the Michigan Sex Offender Registry -- in a word -- sucks. It's none of my business which of my neighbors was once convicted of a sex crime, and if these people have any hope of attempting to carry on a normal, healthy, rehabilitated life once they are released from prison then it probably doesn't help that there is a website that has their full name, birthday, height, weight, race, and complete ADDRESS on it, with a listing of all of the crimes they've been convicted of. Crimes with names like 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, which encompass many, many different offenses, which aren't specified in the registry at all. Someone convicted of 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct could be an 18 year old male (a senior in high school) who has consentual sex with his 14 year old girlfriend (a freshman in high school) and gets caught by her father who decides to press charges in spite of the pleas of his daughter; or it could be a 47 year old male who uses force or coercion to have sex with a mentally and physically impaired woman (or man for that matter) of 25. On the scale of sex crimes, I find it hard to believe that those two crimes fall into the same class. Now, I of course would not be happy if I found out my 14 year old freshman-in-high-school daughter was having sex with her 18 year old senior-in-high-school boyfriend, but I wouldn't want to send the kid to jail for it. I'd want to keep my daughter in on Friday night, and talk to her about how men are horny bastards who want sex sex sex all the freakin time! (Not that sex sex sex all the freakin time is bad either, I'm just saying....)
See, that's my biggest problem with the Sex Offender Registry. People will hoot and holler because they, "Have a right to know!" and because they have to, "Protect the children!" Newsflash: the world is a totally fucked up place. You should be worrying about protecting your kids (and yourself!) from everyone you don't know (and even some people you do know) at all times. Saying that the existence of the Sex Offender Registry is legitimate because it helps people protect their children is moronic because people don't use it that way. Anyone who would regularly go into the registry and scan the list for the names of their neighbors or coworkers or just new people they meet is probably a cautious enough parent to be able to protect and educate their child without using it at all. And in spite of its existence there are still people in this world who will let their children have fun, unsupervised sleepovers at a 40 year old adult man's mansion that is clearly designed to enchant children in spite of previous and extremely public accusations of child molestation!
Granted, there are some very bad and sick people who commit sex crimes, serve time for them, and are released into the world only to continue doing exactly as they did before. But can't we manage to use our brains and common sense to avoid falling victim to them? You know, things like park near a light in big, dark parking lots. Don't set down your drink at a bar, walk away from it, and then come pick it up and drink it again. Don't get wasted at a party where you don't really know anyone. Don't go places with strange men you don't know. Don't park your car between two ginormous Econoline vans with no windows in a parking structure. Learn how to administer a swift knee to the balls, and so on. Most of the time just good common sense will keep you out of any kind of trouble that familiarity with the Sex Offender Registry would. And if you end up becoming a victim of rape because you got a flat tire on the highway at 2 AM and a previous sex offender posing as a good samaritan ended up not being so helpful, then what good did it do in the first place? There is nothing that registry did to protect you, you were just tragically a victim of a terrible and unpreventable crime. You can blame nature for creating a person that would do such a thing, or his father who abused him as a child. Try blaming Ford for making shitty cars that break down, or Nextel for having crappy service in that area so you can't call anyone for help, or Michigan driver's ed classes that don't make it mandatory to learn how to change a flat tire before giving you a driver's permit. None of that would be very helpful to a woman in that situation, and neither would the Sex Offender Registry. It is just humiliating and dehumanzing to the people who are actually trying to move on with their lives and put a bad mistake behind them. And I think most of know what it feels like to want to put a bad mistake behind you.
So that's how I feel about that one. Lawyers, sound off.