Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kodak Moment!

So this weekend I am in Chicago for Shaun's graduation from Navy boot camp. The collage above shows some pictures from today, including the incredible "Ass Cake" that Kathy T made for him. Complete with daisy insignias on the back pockets, it's HILARIOUS and Shaun loved it. We plan to eat it tomorrow.

We still have one more day to spend with him and it's been an emotional experience, to say the least. He's lost a LOT of weight (as all of you can see from the pictures), and I know he's tired, but he looks fantastic.

Even though I saw him today and get to see him again tomorrow, I miss him SO much! And he can't come home until February because he still has to go to Dallas for his A school. At least he will be able to use the phone and stuff once he gets to Dallas, but it's still hard not to be able to spend time with him and just hang out!

I'll write more later, for now I am tired. MW signing off.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Maria! Everyone looks so happy--how well I remember the same celebration 1 yr ago for Jesse. Shaun looks great!! We're proud of you Shaun--WAY TO GO!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Shaun!!! He looks happy too (along with being skinny). Lets get together soon.

Karen Peterson