I can hear Nikki and her parents laughing from hundreds of miles away. They certainly aren't the only MSU fans relishing yesterday's shellacking. I'm sure there are a fair amount of Ohio State, Iowa, and Notre Dame fans who are pumped up about it too. All of that is fine, that I can handle, but what I can't handle is all the Michigan fans who are jumping ship! One 'fan' was quoted in this morning's Free Press as saying, "We want Lloyd Carr's head on a platter with an apple in it!" How easily they forget. Michigan has one of the greatest football programs in college sports. They are always a contender for the national title, and when that falls through there's always the Big Ten title (which, by the way, they could still clinch, since neither of these terrible losses came from Big 10 teams). You don't give up on them because of a rocky (OK, very rocky) start! Have a little faith my fellow Wolverines, have a little faith.
Mitch Albom said in this morning's Freep (that's Detroit Free Press for short, to all of you non-Detroiters out there) article that the Wolverines looked worse on the field yesterday than some of the most pathetic Lions games. Now that's pretty bad! But he does not blame it all on Carr, saying that Carr does not deserve the proverbial ax. Instead he focuses on Coach Carr's words after the pathetic excuse for a Michigan football game was over yesterday. I will leave you with the words of two wise men, Lloyd Carr and Mitch Albom. An excerpt from Albom's article:
" '...I've got great kids here. And you don't know me, but those who do... would agree that I'm a tough-minded, competitive guy. ...And there is nothing that can keep me down. Not a loss to Appalachian State. Not a loss to Oregon. Not a hundred losses. And not the loss of my job. ...
'You're probably going to lose a lot of games the next few years. ...When you lose, don't make excuses. ...Just play as hard as you can. And regardless of what the outcome of what of those games are, you keep your head high.'
I think that speaks for itself.
And it is reason enough for people who think he should be fired to be ashamed of themselves. This is college. That speech can teach more than a dozen trophies."
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