I forgot how great a sunny Sunday morning with fried eggs, WCSX Over Easy, and the Sunday New York Times is. Well, actually, I didn't forget, it's just that today I am enjoying it more than usual.
In fact just a few minutes ago I read about this guy who finds both interesting and not-so-interesting pieces of trash and puts them into little clear plastic ball shaped capsules, then loads up little 25 cent cheap-o junk machines with them. He has a blog, lovingly described as, "A destination website for chumps, rubes, maroons, clods, saps, schlemiels, and yo-yos," which, if you can find nothing else worth admiration, is great because I finally learned how to spell schlemiel. Check out Trashball.
Still awaiting the response on my application for admission the Library and Information Science program at Wayne State.
Decided that tomorrow I am going to resume the guitar lessons I started in college. Woo hoo!
Jesse is now the wealthiest member of our family. Who'd have thunk it?
Brian and Steph are now engaged, yay!
And, last but definitely not least, Shaun and I are back together. We still have a lot of stuff to work out, but I think we can do it.

Peace out homies.
1 comment:
I love that picture of you two and wish you all the luck and love in the world!!!
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